Well after 2 years of writing and perfecting and re-writing and editing and on and on and on … From His Side book is published!
Now lets get it launched!
If you are reading this, the number one ask is that you would go to Amazon and review the book. This more than anything else increases visibility. I believe this book can help people to know Jesus Christ better. If you are reading this please review it on amazon as quickly as possible, that would greatly help!
If you want to read more before you review read the introduction here, and this post is a sample chapter, of the I Am The River of Life chapter. There are almost 700 scriptural footnotes and the nice thing about this is they are right on the page as you read it. As I was writing I asked myself what sort of book would I want to read? Verses as footnotes was important to me, so you don’t have to go to the end of the chapter, you don’t even have to open the bible, they are right there at the bottom of the page.
The main plot is that Jesus appears to a group of people (as he did in the New Testament) and reveals himself through people who emerge and speak as portions of him.
A subplot is an amazing transformation of group of people go through individually but even more fascinating is the transformation they go through together as a body, something more like what we see in the New Testament.
If you love Jesus Christ and care about the direction and future of his church you have to give this book a try.

Sample chapter
Get the book here:
This book has changed my life in regard to how I view the Lord Jesus and his body.
Consider joining my Facebook group From His Side to help with the book launch.