Jesus Christ – The Greatest Showman, part 1

The Greatest Showman is really Jesus Christ

The show is not a dance or a song or a great speech, the show is his bride and the audience is the principalities and powers, the authorities in high places. Jesus Christ is putting on a show of his love and his glory and his mercy and his power as he takes back his creation and builds a new humanity and a new world.

Ephesians 3:10 “so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church (the congregation/ the ecclesia) to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.”

The ecclesia is God’s greatest show of all time.

We recently watched the musical The Greatest Showman. The movie is a musical and there are many great songs to go along with the themes of the movie. With these posts I will uncover the story of Jesus to a few of the songs of The Greatest Showman.

I’ve learned Jesus Christ can be found in every movie, but every once in a while a movie is absolutely filled with him if you are willing to see him. Jesus is hard-coded into the creativity of us all, we all are displaying him and telling his story… whether we realize it or not. This seems particularly true in this musical with Hugh Jackman.

A Million Dreams

Before you listen to this song read this:

At the start of this song imagine Jesus Christ as a 12 year old singing this song about the future. Dreaming about the new creation, the new humanity he will build. Then the song changes to an adult man this is Jesus at 30 singing about the church. Then his wife (the church) sings sharing the dreams of her husband. “To the world you see, to the world I close my eyes to see.” I think about the world will be a vision of the one I see.”, “A million dreams for the world we are going to make.” The truth is… only Jesus Christ and his bride are really qualified to sing this song.


In part 2 I share on the song Never Enough.

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