From His Side – Book
Introducing my book From His Side.
This book is an extended unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ by nonfiction metaphor. Personification is used to bring to life many of the names of Jesus Christ described in scripture. The book touches both Christology (theology of Jesus) and ecclesiology (theology of the ecclesia/church).
This book reveals Jesus Christ from the first-hand perspective of individuals emerging from his side. (The people who emerge from Jesus himself have the names given for Jesus throughout scripture Wisdom, Love, The Way, The Beginning, etc..)
This book has been a great joy to write, there is no greater topic for me than the Lord Jesus Christ. I could write and explain him for eternity and still not cover the magnitude of who he is.
The Uniquness
What is unique about this book I think is the fact that people come out of the side of the Lord and speak as if they are separate and distinct beings from the Lord. They emerge for the sole purpose of revealing and explaining him more completely to his people gathered for him.
This video touches on this personification of Jesus.
Similar Style to Hollywood
The Will Smith movie Collateral Beauty that has Love and Death and others come in the form of people to speak to a grieving father.
Seen in Scripture
Similarly, proverbs chapter 8 has a woman speak in the form of wisdom; so this is not a new concept. Some things are best learned when they are embodied in a human form and spoken or demonstrated to us in first-person.
Buy the book here:
Below is an excerpt from the Introduction which explains the premise behind the book.

This book has changed my life in regard to how I view the Lord Jesus and his body.
Consider joining my Facebook group From His Side to help with the book launch.