Welcome to the Eternal Testimonies Ministry Site!
ABOUT Eternal Testimonies
Our Mission Statement: Eternal Testimony is a publication and speaking ministry which creates, and distributes audio, video and written content to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate devotion, love, and passion for Jesus Christ.
Eternal Testimony Ministries
Eternal Testimony was founded by Adam Collier in 2022. As a young man of 18 Adam became a Christian and quickly developed an intense love for pleasing Jesus Christ. Ever moving to deeper studies of Jesus Christ and the body of Christ. Seeking the Lord, writing and studying became Adam’s passion throughout his life while working in the corporate world. Always longing to teach and to fellowship around the Lord in a deeper way. In 2022 he established Eternal Testimony Ministries with the intention of repairing the lack of understanding, focus, and devotion to Jesus Christ within churches and society.
Publications of Eternal Testimony
- Book: From His Side: A Powerful Story of a Church’s Transformation
More than 700 Articles:
Article Series:
- Modern Edits
- 10,000 Testimonies
Coming Soon:
- Book: The Gospel of the State
- Book: The Millenia to Come
- Audio Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Spoken Sermons and Youtube Sharings
Mission Statement: This ministry help people to understand present past and coming reality. And to proclaim Jesus Christ through writing and speaking.
If this is something you want to join with me then please sign up for my email list below. If you like to write and would like to be a guest writer on this site please reach out to me at collierak@me.com.
Email: collierak@me.com
RSS Link to this site: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Adamcollierfeed
On Twitter: @Colliers2
Most importantly please subscribe to the email list to receive a free ebook!