Why We Should Listen to Everyone

This was first posted to my social media wall on March 1, 2018.

I’ve found this quote to be very true. I’ve also benefited from not disregarding people I really don’t like to be around. Just because we don’t like someone doesn’t mean we should not listen to them or that they don’t have valuable things to say. Especially if they follow Jesus Christ, listen closely to everyone.

I know people who don’t like me all that much and it seems they go out of their way to ignore, to cold-shoulder and to disregard me. Truth is, I really have no ill feelings toward most of these people and I know I could help them if we had a better relationship.

Sometimes when we don’t like someone, the feeling is mutual, but at other times the feeling is not mutual and it is just one-way. Either way we would be wise to get in the habit of listening for the Lord speaking through his followers. all of them. Those talented, and those not talented. Those like us and not like us. Those we like and those we don’t like. Those who like us and those who don’t like us. Be looking and listening for Jesus Christ in all things and all people. He is worth finding, no matter where we find him.

If we listen and hear nonsense, we just discard it. But if we listen and hear Jesus our lives are enriched greatly.

Listen for Jesus speaking through people you don’t like, and in ways that you don’t expect.

Adam Collier March, 2018

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