Not Neglecting The Whole Counsel of God

“The very word or term “Gospel” has come to imply something less than “the whole counsel of God”, and to be applied almost exclusively to the beginnings of the Christian life.”

T. Austin Sparks (1954)

…for teachers and preachers today to share the gospel and salvation, and to make it exclusively about the beginnings of Christianity and heaven, is to neglect much of it. It produces a church obsessed with only the beginnings of Christianity and they struggle to mature and go beyond those beginnings. It also leaves the Christian in the dark about things such as, why God created, Jesus’ role in the present and future universe, the

We should understand ‘gospel’ to mean “the whole counsel of God” and if we have that gospel it should take months to preach and teach it all. Not 3 minutes conclusions at the end of random, entertaining topical sermons. There should be some accountability for those who claim to be ‘preaching the gospel.’

To Paul ‘salvation’ meant all the work that God has done to get us into his kingdom, and that includes all the work he intends for the church to do in the earth, here and now. Not only the future experience of heaven and resurrection.

Hebrews 2:1 Therefore we must pay closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. For if the message spoken through angels proved to be so firm that every violation or disobedience received its just penalty, how will we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was first communicated through the Lord and was confirmed to us by those who heard him, 

Whichever apostle wrote the book of Hebrews, perhaps Barnabas or Paul or maybe Silas. He warns here in Hebrews 2 to watch out for a drifting away from the gospel and neglecting it. So this is something they were already experiencing and concerned about in the first century. We have no right to dumb down the gospel, and to condense it so it will fit into our 45 minute sermon conclusion, is to strip it of much detail. Condensing it and stripping it also robs those who hear it of much insight into Jesus Christ, into our current dispensation. And understanding of the purpose of creation, Christianity itself, and the ministry/ calling of the church. The gospel preached produces the church. A partial or a dumbed down gospel, changes the church that embraces it. It hinders it, it turns it into something the Lord never intended it to be. A mere idle audience of hearers, being told elementary things repeatedly, who are often used as tithers in support of a salary or a building fund.

For more on this read T. Austin Sparks book The Gospel According to Paul

More content on the gospel from this blog.

Jesus Christ IS Salvation

Do you realize that Jesus said that the Old Testament was about him? Think about that for a moment. It is found in Luke 24:27, 32?  He taught this to his disciples after his resurrection giving the early church the key which unlocks all of scripture. Jesus Christ himself is the key to interpreting the Old Testament, he brings unity to all of scripture and I believe was the secret to the effectiveness of the early church we read about in Acts and the epistles.

If Jesus is really the key to interpreting all of scripture and I believe that he is, then it is theologically accurate and appropriate to insert the name of Jesus Chirst into many Old Testament passages. I’ve done this in the past with other popular verses  like with Joshua 1:8 and it brings scripture to life like nothing I’ve seen. So I want to do it again with this post.

While making my final edits to my book From His Side, I am working on the chapter in which Salvation comes out of the Lord as a woman and speaks directly to a group of Christians. While searching the scriptures about places regarding salvation. I stumbled upon the amazing 68th Psalm.

Psalm 68:19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden. The God who is our salvation. Selah. 20 God is to us a God of deliverances; and to God the Lord belong escapes from death. – NASB

Now insert the Lord Jesus Christ into this verse and watch it come to life:

Psalm 68:19 (in fullness) Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ, who daily bears our burden. The Lord Jesus who is our salvation. Selah.  20 Jesus Christ is to us a God of deliverance; and to Jesus Christ belong escapes from death.

By doing this we can now see that Jesus Christ himself IS salvation.

Jesus Christ is salvation, its not something he did or we have to do, he himself is salvation.

And so belief and faith and trust in him is itself salvation coming into our lives.

This also agrees with countless scriptures in the gospels, Isaiah and many other places, for example; Galatians 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree” 14 in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the gentiles, so that we would receive the promised of the Spirit through faith.

My book From His Side is being submitted to publishers now. In this book Salvation himself comes out of the Lord Jesus and speaks to a small group of Christians, Salvation is just one of forty different aspects of Christ who emerge from his side and speak in first person.  If you want to know the Lord in a deeper way then this book is for you.

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