Gods Enduring Resolve

God’s Secret

God’s Secret (its a big one)

Did you know that God had secrets that he intentionally hid from mankind? Gods secret, also referred to the mystery in the New Testament is Gods story of patient endurance and progressive revelation. Generations past were kept in the dark about certain specifics concerning Gods purpose for creating and his future plans.

“which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit;

and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things;”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3:5, 9‬ ‭NASB‬‬

God was very strategic to all the generations of men to let them in on only so much of what he was doing.

God’s plan unfolded very slowly.

Think of all the generations before Christ even came. Think of all the prep work, all the gradual revelation. A prophet here and there. A type, a shadow. So prolonged and strategic and seemingly drawn out. Think of all the horrific reality so many billions of people have experienced, the other gods they worshiped and served who were really angelic beings. Think of the suffering, the pain, the horrific reality of so many for so long. The wars, the murder, the sacrifices, the rule and reign of death and fear of death over humanity.

But then one day came the lowly Jesus Christ, like a lamb to the slaughter. The real sufferer, the real sacrifice, the real murder victim, the real man of sorrows and grief.

The End of Death

He ended death… with death. He turned the tables on the murderous god of this world who himself didn’t fully understand what was happening.

Satan was in the dark concerning the enormity of what was happening. Satan the killer and ruler of men was killing his best and biggest and most effective weapon that he had over his enslaved human race, death.

Think of all the types and shadows and talk and meaning leading up to the real thing, Jesus Christ himself.

“We have found Him of whom Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote – Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”” Phillip in John‬ ‭1:45‬ ‭

The endurance of God really blows me away, his plan and utter commitment to that plan is almost to great to fully comprehend. Regardless of what humans go through and endure God is almost infinitely committed to his plan which is even now barely discussed and understood.

The fact that he would orchestrate such a long and drawn out plan through out history should tell us the enormity and infinite importance of it.

To be more specific, God is emphasizing Jesus Christ to every generation from Adam to today (2018). He emphasizes him by the immense length he went to to keep his mystery hidden until Jesus Christ, he saved it for him. It is emphasized it in Jesus as he gradually reveals it through the body of Christ, the church in the earth. Which is bringing about the will and reign of God on earth …”as it is in heaven.”

Hidden Even Still

This purpose of God is hidden still to those of us who neglect Jesus Christ. Reject Jesus Christ and even our existence remains a mystery. Let alone the complex problems in reality.

But to those of us who know to center ourselves and fixate ourselves on Jesus alone, as does God, there is for us heaven on earth. There is clarity of who we are, why we are here and exactly what is coming.

God seems to be infinitely resolved in what he is doing. That resolve is summed up and concentrated in the person of Jesus Christ.

Another way of saying it…

Gods secret plan and the purpose for the creation is now revealed. Gods secret is concentrated and poured into the person of Jesus Christ. And God is intensely devoted and committed and resolved to that purpose.

Jesus Christ is Gods enduring resolve, God’s eternal purpose, God’s center of attention.

Seeing this, knowing this we ought to stand up, take sober notice of him daily and live likewise.

What are you resolved about?

more on this topic

Our Purpose Hardwired Within

I sometimes hear people ask, various people from my 6 year old child to a 70 year old friend.  “What is the meaning of all this?”, “why are we here?”,  “why did God make us?”, “What is the purpose of all this?”  The answer to these questions is found woven within scripture, the bible retells the story over and again. Jesus said more than once that the scriptures are about him (all of them).

But I think the same answer can be found or alluded to within us our makeup. Woven by the creator who created us for that purpose in the first place. It can be found in our DNA, in the design of our bodies and in our very instincts.

Humanity is driven for a romance, driven to build a home and a growing family.

I was on a walk this evening and the sun was almost set, it was cold and windy and the snow was drifting. The trees were dormant yet still alive. I could see the first star and I thought to myself what does all this tell me about God? Then I prayed and asked God what should I learn from the massiveness of the earth and the universe about God himself?

We are hard wired by the creator who is currently building a place for himself to lay his head. Building a family to love, building a bride for his son, building a body to fill the universe with his own image. We like him do the same instinctually all over the earth. We see a drive for a spouse, a family, a home, our bodies are built for this.

Our instincts are clues to God’s purpose and therefore our purpose.

God is extremely resolved to see his purpose fulfilled, that purpose and that resolve is summarized in the person of Jesus Christ.

Gods Enduring Resolve

T. Austin Sparks and Frank Viola have called it Gods Eternal Purpose, Davern Fromke called it Gods Ultimate Intention. Others have called it other wonderful things.

I feel like the Lord is leading me to begin writing and thinking about what I call Gods Enduring Resolve. Enduring because it is so long (to us) in development. God does not change, no matter how many centuries pass. Resolve because God seems absolutely fixated and resolved on seeing his purpose fulfilled.

For more on this topic go here.

What do you know of God’s purpose?

Theory OF Everything

Ten Jesus-Based Predictions About The Future

God’s Eternal Purpose is Our Theory Of Everything

In my recent video series I make the case that Jesus Christ himself is Gods Eternal Purpose. I link this to The Theory Of Everything (TOE) popularized by Stephan Hawking. The universe and humanity was created for him. Based on this eternal purpose I make six Jesus-based predictions about our current and future reality.

Many in the world of science and theoretical physics are searching for what they call the Theory of Everything. This is a theory which links scientific understanding from a gravitational scale down to the quantum scale. If you don’t know what that means bear with me it doesn’t matter.

Theory of Everything is just another term to explain God’s eternal purpose. God’s purpose is linked to the existence of the universe and therefore speaks to how it formed and how it holds together. Theory of Everything is Gods eternal purpose and explanation of the universe translated to mathematical language. Theory of everything is the mathematics which represents reality at a gravitational scale and quantum scale, among many others. This theory can be found within Jesus Christ. He encompasses and contains it and it will be found in him.

So what’s the point?

The point is to understand reality and to make predictions.

IF Jesus Christ really is the Theory of Everything and is God’s purpose in creation. If he’s really the unseen dark matter or power that holds the universe together and is its sole purpose for existing. Then we can make predictions. If his increase is why our universe is expanding THEN we can know the future. Not only predictions about the future but explanations about our current reality.

When a theory is proven or accepted as fact predictions can be made. These predictions can accurately describe the future based on the theory. This is the value of verified scientific hypothesis.

In video 5 I made three predictions about the world in which we live.

Video 6 has three more predictions about the future.

In this post I will share four more predictions based on and assuming Jesus Christ to be the Theory of Everything.

It can be widely accepted that Jesus Christ contains the mathematical equation(s) which explain the origin, nature and future of the universe. These equations link the quantum understanding of the universe to the gravitational understanding of the universe. These equations will link past with present and future and will explain the purpose and originator of all things.

The extent that relativity and quantum calculations are accurate is the extent that they map to Jesus Christ.

Until Jesus can be translated to mathematics he is the container for those equations. These equations have not yet been translated to mathematical language. However, rest assured those equations have been given to us in the person of Jesus Christ.

Gods eternal purpose has not changed since the beginning. It has endured and is concentrated in the person and current ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus is absolutely resolved to see this purpose fulfilled as planned from the beginning. All the attention of the father and the Holy Spirit are fixated on Jesus Christ. Humanity and some of the angles may have gotten off track but that wont last. Jesus Christ is what I like to call Gods Enduring Resolve.

The person and ministry of Jesus Christ is Gods Concentrated and Enduring Resolve for creation.

My Final Four Jesus-Based Predictions

5. The body of Christ in the earth is undergoing a massive transition back to what we see in scripture. This will cause a great divide between those who will return and those who want to continue with the current traditions.

6. The world will experience increasing turmoil as Jesus personally uproots and overturns the systems of Satan.

7. The progress of all the world will be intimately linked with the Christians in every society. Those who cooperate with Christ will gradually find success with God and hostility with man. Those who combat him will experience increasing distress as they side with the unstable forces of wickedness.

8. The demonic powers and authorities will become more and more active and agitated. Inspiring evil wherever they remain in control. Causing great distress for whomever is unfortunate enough to be subject to them.

What other predictions can you make?


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