Jesus The Theory of Everything - Predictions

An Indestructible Life

Gods Enduring Resolve

Jesus Christ has an enduring resolve to bring about Gods purpose in the earth. He is bringing about this resolve by the power of his indestructible life.

Men and movements come and go. This has been true within so called Christianity and without. Even a casual observer of history can see that most of what is popular today will be seen as ridiculous tomorrow.

Through it all Jesus is at work to bring about his purpose. He endures and he works to this on the basis of the power of an indestructible life. Imagine if you lived forever watching the generations come and go. Then imagine you could be an invisible spirit that could come inside of people or a physical being in one place and at one time.

Jesus Christ is alive forever and he is now a life-giving spirit. He is not interacting with earth through a physical body anymore he is a spirit.

We can connect with him live and in person by the spirit and cooperate with him while we are alive physically. During our few years we have in the flesh on this planet. We can become a building stone for his houses going up all over the planet. Or we can do our own thing and pretend to.

Jesus Christ has an enduring resolve. Worded even better… Jesus Christ is the embodiment of Gods enduring resolve.

For more on Gods Enduring Resolve click here.

The best book that I’ve seen on God’s Eternal Purpose is Frank Viola’s From Eternity to Here.

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