Just Helping Dad

I was out in the garden tonight, my son who is under 2, came out and “helped” me. When he saw me head out he just had to join me.

Here was how he “helped”: He threw a rock at the pepper plant, he hit the gourds with a stick, he took a break to poop his diaper, he spread some dirt from the raised bed…to the lawn. He grabbed the shovel and almost killed a pumpkin. He fell and started crying.

He desperately wanted to work with me. But he didn’t understand what I was doing, he didn’t even watch what exactly I was doing. He wasn’t capable yet of helping me both in understanding and in capability.
When mom took him inside I was reminded immediately of Christian “ministry” that does not come from the Lord.

Eager to “help” because we love him so, we feel the time is short…just do SOMETHING, but we harm more than help, we waste time when we just DO out of our own self.

We just do ANYTHING that sounds good, sounds like Jesus would like that so we go into auto-pilot, despite ignoring exactly what Jesus said and not understanding what Jesus’ purpose was in creating and not bothering to understand what exactly it is that Jesus is building.

“Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner.” – John‬ ‭5:19‬

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