The Only Means To The Only End

So The End Justifies The Means?

Jesus once claimed that he was THE Way, in the letter to the Colossian church Paul called Jesus the End. The end always justifies the means, when Jesus is both the end and the means.

Most Christians would agree but might confine this to him being the way to salvation. But I think him being the way means much more.

It is a common saying that “the end justifies the means.” This means that what you are trying to do justifies the way that you do it. In other words if you have to kill, or steal, or lie to accomplish what you are doing then so be it.

But Jesus himself is the ultimate end to all things, he is what we are all headed for. Whether we realize it or not He is also the real motive for all that we do.

Jesus once said “if you have seen me you have seen the father.” Back to the Father the universe goes. We departed him and have been trying to get back to him ever since.

Noble Ends That Fall Short

Applying this to Christian; the end that we are headed for is not “revival”. It is not ministry success or ministry fame, it is not “souls saved”. Which is often seen as the highest and most noble end and motive for whatever we do. In comparison to Jesus himself all these are but ulterior motives having varying amounts of self-interest.

Man apart from God tells himself “I’m going to be powerful and influential and successful, I won’t be accused of this or that, I will be a winner, not a loser.” But we are already a loser if we’ve left Jesus as our means himself and Jesus himself as the End game for those means. In other works, the end that Jesus has for us is not to be causing salvations. By the means of us fulfilling our specific and custom destiny.

Jesus Christ is our end, our ultimate motive. But he is also the means to that end (The Way).

Jesus really is the only way (means) to the only acceptable end.

To the extent that we have other motives (other ends) and use other means (other ways) to achieve those ends are the extents that we error and are off track.

More on The Way

What is your End? and what Ways are you pursuing that End?


Jesus Worhsip

Rest, Peace, and Intense Fervent Seeking

On one hand …

a Christian is securely blessed, she is to live in perpetual rest and peace in Jesus. No need for performance or living up to others expectations. No laws needed, just a relaxed state of resting in God, hidden in Jesus Christ. As we die daily, surrendering our life, our ambitions and our good works. We are to live in a perpetual sabbath rest, a perpetual Jubilee feast. We are seated very high in heavenly places far above anything whatsoever to worry about. Goodness and mercy following us, laying beside the still waters that he brings us to.

but on the other hand…

We are to intensely and fervently seek and pursue Jesus Christ. As if no one or nothing else mattered. We are to be so spiritually violent with spiritual things that we seem obsessed. In hot pursuit of knowing him alone, no distractions, we’re not to major on any thing good or bad other than knowing Jesus Christ alone.

Completely and totally handing over our lives to him, given over to him. Losing friends if necessary, offending family if needed. Given over to him to the point of death.

Lukewarm-ness and self-centeredness becomes a foreign language to us. Which is are not remotely enticing.

We relax and live at rest and peace concerning life and death and provision. But we are intensely…fervently striving to know Jesus Christ. Digging deep in him, daily using spiritual violence with our own sin. Yet using extreme mercy with other’s sin.

Hebrew 4:9 there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. 10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest (through belief in Jesus Christ), lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief (people of Israel not entering Cannan because of unbelief.)

Also check out The Provision of Jesus Christ
the beginning

Hear Directly from The Beginning

What Happened in the Beginning?

Imagine if the beginning was not an event in a certain location but …a person? What might he say? Who might he talk about? How would he describe everything?

It may sound a bit strange but… not in the context of Jesus Christ.  Jesus is said to be the resurrection itself, he is said to be truth itself. He described himself as The Way, he is even described as the Alpha (the first) and Omega (the last).

Maybe it is not so crazy a thought because a woman named Wisdom speaks at length in Proverbs chapter 8.

Why could not The Beginning metaphorically speak and testify?

Jesus Christ is the Beginning

The truth is Jesus Christ is described as The Beginning among many other things.

Colossians 1:18 He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything

Read that verse again, Colossians 1:18 describes Jesus Christ as The Beginning. Beginning is not a time and a place it’s a person. That is how massive and all encompassing Jesus Christ really is. So what is Jesus the beginning of?

As far as this universe is concerned Jesus Christ is the beginning of it, its purpose and its future, all things. Jesus Christ is the origin of all of humanity, all that God has planned for us and this universe. As far as any question humanity could have about anything about origins and purpose for all things. Jesus Christ is its answer and its beginning.

From His Side Book

In my new book From His Side, The Beginning emerged from the side of Jesus Christ and testified about him and our purpose.  Here is a small portion of when he emerged and spoke directly to a church.

“He created me then he created wisdom and understanding[1]. We stood in awe containing and enabling the handiwork of his universe, everything that can be seen. He crafted things of almost infinite massiveness and infinite smallness with the same detail and wisdom. I am the container that holds his creation. The work of Wisdom began within me. When he penetrates this world again, returning to reclaim all that he built, tearing the heavens like a garment[2]. I will yield to his presence. He will pass through me as if I were an open door. Space and time, the beginning and the end, will bow to his matchless presence.” – The Beginning

[1] Proverbs 8:26-27 While He had not yet made the earth and the fields, nor the first dust of the world. When He established the heavens, I was there, when He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep.

[2] Revelation 6:14 The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

To hear more from the beginning get From His Side here today! Or read more about From His Side here.From His Side 3D

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