Called To Be Hated

Some servants of God during their life absolutely no one listened to, for some, no one even liked them…and….then they were murdered.

Those circumstances were because of the state of Gods people at the time and place they lived. There was a lot of religion going on then but not a lot of connection to God.

The only thing that remains of some of them was their writings, which vindicates them many years later. But how many of them never even wrote? Preachers who were ignored, hated, murdered, then forgotten. Did they miss God or miss their calling?

NO, because Jesus saw them, Jesus remembers them, and Jesus will vindicate them.

That might be the calling for many people in the church. Many disciples of Christ might be called upon to suffer like that.

What about you? How about that for a calling?, how about that for “making the world a better place”, or our “best life now .”

Do you think the Lord still asks that of his followers ?

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