
Blessed and Suffering

This Blessed and Suffering post begins my Q3 daily postings, every week day I will attempt to post an article. I did this in Q1, Q2 was dedicated to publishing and launching by book From His Side. Now I will continue on with the daily postings. Posting daily is a lot of work but it was very rewarding.

Blessed and Suffering

Don’t mistake God’s blessing and abundance and provision in Jesus for the absence of suffering and death. They are both true.

The majority of the popular word of faith teachers (which are now more shallow and mainstream than ever) assumed that blessed and abundantly provided for surely must also mean freedom from suffering and dying daily. Kenneth Hagin was an exception to this but his teachings on this were not popularized or marketed like his others.

Not so.

Both blessed of God and suffering are true for us. Just like they are for Jesus Christ himself.

Jesus Christ is high and supreme king of the universe … who also suffers.

We live in s body and mind and spirit which must be put under and killed. But we also are seated high above in heavenly places with Jesus himself.

We are both dead men/women and fused with the God of the universe at the same moment.

Jesus Christ is the very fusion between heaven and earth in one man.

Wheat Jesus is so are we in the world. Death is a huge part of being a Christian. By it we conquer ourselves. Where death works in us the resurrection power of Jesus Christ restores. One of the biggest mistakes that I see is that people ignore the part of us that needs to die with the part of us that is seated with Jesus.

What is true of one (my identity in Christ the second Adam, the firstborn from the dead) should never be applied to the other (my identify in the flesh from Adam destined for death).

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