Work At Work

One thing that will separate you from the rest of the pack on the job is if you always work diligently while at the job.  Working hard never should become unneccessary.  No matter how skilled you are no matter how secure you feel your position is.  If you’ll always work hard while you are on the job over time you will accomplish a lot and people will notice.

A strong work ethic seems trivial and basic but I think it is still hard to come by.  It’s easy to sit in front of your computer and justify not really working hard, after all email needs to be read.  Below are three ways to improve your productivity while at work.

1) Don’t read emails when you first get to work.  Delay the email back and forth until you take the time to start your work day right.  Instead take 5 minutes to straighten up your desk a little and/or write a list of goals, this can clear your mind and help you to stay focused.

2) Make goals for that work day, some may call it a to do list, or action item list. Goal setting is a great way to hold yourself accountable and improve the chances of getting things done for that day.

3) Treat your company how you’d like to be treated.  Remember it’s not your time, you are selling your time to your company, its your obligation to make sure they are receiving a return on their investment.

Working hard is rewarding, it helps your company and yourself. When you show up for work, really show up, bring your A game, you just might find climbing the ladder more easy if you do.

What other things can you suggest to improve productivity?

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