With Him As Our Connection

If we can have fellowship around Jesus Christ together we really have something. With Him as our connection we have it all, we have the future. All our other beliefs and opinions and distinctions pale in comparison.

On the other hand, we can have a thousand other things in common, be blood relatives, think lock in step politically. Listen to the same sermons, love the same songs.

But if we are not on the same page about Jesus Christ and can’t discuss him freely. We don’t have a whole lot that is tangible or lasting together. If you are a Christian this is true about all your relationships.

Let Jesus freely have your relationships …all of them.

Make him top priority with your spouses and children, no need to get weird and overly spiritual, just soberly discuss him constantly.

Also, any group of people who cannot have face to face fellowship around Jesus Christ are not real ecclesia’s/ churches. If Jesus discussion makes things awkward, the group is something else religiously and something else that is not worth a lot of time.

I’d rather spend an hour fellowshipping over coffee with one or two brothers or sisters sharing Jesus back and forth (the real house of God). Than 3 hours in a crowd awkwardly and politely watching a great show about him.

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