Why our ‘ends’ should not justify our ‘means’.

Some say.

“The ends justify the means” ? Or the more modern version. “Your whys justify your what’s”


For the Christian if we can be led of the spirit, Jesus himself becomes our why.

To be honest one by one all my former “whys” are dying. And lots of them I thought were good and biblical. Jesus Christ is now my moment by moment “why” and “what”, not to mention my “when’s” and “how’s”, and life is much easier to navigate.

I don’t get jerked around anymore, not knowing which way to go or how to think or who to listen to. He is very stabilizing and settling.

Christians are to be led of the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Not led by great “whys”, not by good biblical intentions, and especially not by persuasive words from leaders.

Not by the crowds, which absolutely do not know where they are going. They go one way today, and another tomorrow.

These loud things we give ear to drown out the subtle voice of Jesus Christ coming from within.

For the Christian, the life giving spirit of Jesus can and must control EVERYTHING we do.

And we must surrender to him without conditions.

He is a great reward.

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