What Exactly is Prophecy?

Recently I was asked if there is still prophecy in the church. Is it still a thing in church? My answer was “of course it is”, however I quickly realized that there are varied definitions of prophecy and that has led to varied answers to this question m

The baptist/ reformed Christian might quote the verse in 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 “we see in part, we know in part, we prophecy in part …but when the perfect comes the partial is done away with” (paraphrased). This verse is often applied to spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophetic utterances and any manifestation of the spirit in a supernatural way. According to this line of thinking only bible reading and teaching from clergy is permitted in church meetings. I believe this interpretation is deeply in error and mislead many Christians. It is easy to debunk becuase this verse also includes knowledge being done away with. And it doesn’t’ take a scholar to see Paul is talking about the return of Christ and the resurrection from the dead. When He dominates the entire planet and there is only truth, no deception and false teaching.

So then,

What exactly is prophecy?

Recently in a church gathering I attended a man spoke up at the end of the singing and said in a loud voice, with a slightly different tone than he normally speaks with and essentially said “thus saith the Lord…I love you with an everlasting love…” That was the essential message of his prophecy. It was a well-timed reminder about the love of God for us personally and I think it encouraged many who heard it. But was this prophecying? After some time in the same gathering, the pastor stood up front and with a microphone skillfully taught from the book of Esther from the Old Testatment. Linking therein the types and connections between the characters and situations in Esther, with Jesus Christ. It was very good. Was this teaching message prophecying?

A prophecy is a sharing by a Christian, it unveils, explains and/or expounds upon Jesus Christ. It can be done after saying “thus switch the Lord” or it can be done as just a natural spiritually shining out of a Christian.

John in the book of Revelation shares that “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10). Testimony of Jesus Christ, from him directly through Christians, via the Holy Spirit. And it a pointing to him by the Holy Spirit.

That is prophecy. It has not been done away with merely because we have the new testament. Historically I think highly emotional and exaggerative (is that a word?) Christians have irritated and bothered other Christians into prohibiting any and all sharing but their own in churches. They don’t know how or want to deal with certain personalities so they shut everything down (including many things the Spirit himself wants to share).

A similar and well-written article on this topic. Rethinking Prophetic Utterances by Frank Viola.

Also, check out this ministry website Eternal Testimonies.

Also, What is the Pride of Life?

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