What is Faithfulness to God?

What exactly is faithfulness to God?

Faithfulness to God is not measured by personal loyalty to and yielding to some great Christian’s ministry. As if they are running God’s body on earth on behalf of him.

Jesus himself is his own head of his own body, he is not delegating this role.

Instead faithfulness to God is measured by loyalty and love for the Holy Spirit’s inner promptings, and by love for the brethren within our lives.

It looks like moment by moment surrender and yielding …not mindless parroting of the talking points of a minister.

Faithful Giving

For example, a faithful Christian gives financially first to other struggling Christians, the house of God is made with living stones now, not with concrete and mortgages. And not to a religious organization running religious buildings.

The Faithful Are Available

Also, a faithful Christian makes him or herself available and is approachable to undesirable Christians in his life. The immature are a priority. As much or more than the ones he does like, he does not cold shoulder and distance himself like a elitst.

A faithful Christian does not favor one against another and he does not exalt any Christian to a place of permanent dominance over others. While shoving others down to a place of a permanent outcast.

It often seems to me that there is still a great deal of Roman Catholic idolatry in contemporary Christianity. The same old ideas of worn out, man-centered elitist religion.


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