What “Fearing the Lord” looks like today.

“Better is a little with the fear of the LORD Than great treasure and turmoil with it.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭15:16‬ ‭NASB‬‬

What does it look like to “fear the Lord” today?

With this post I will attempt to translate “the fear of the Lord” into 2018 American English.

A man or woman who fears the Lord never takes the things of Jesus Christ lightly. Never disregards him or what she knows he wants.

When what he wants smashes against public opinion, tradition, routine, mood, or attitude. She lets him win out thoroughly and quickly.

She is intense about Jesus, not about her status within her church , not about anyone else, not about being religiously fulfilled. But she is intense about pleasing and surrendering to the person of Jesus Christ.

She may even get accused of being obsessed or overly into Jesus.

She is indifferent, laxidasical, and disregards anyone’s personal ambitions, desires and ways that interfere with those of Jesus Christ. Including and most especially her own.

Jesus wins… she loses, end of discussion!

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