Watch Your Creative Cycles

Creativity Cycle

I have noticed a cycle involved with Human Creatvity.

Creative people build and package products, services, performances and information. 

People consume these and reward the creators for their creations in various ways, mostly financial.

These creations then get emulated, copied and plagiarized by those who are not inclined to create.

Eventually the creators move on to new creations, the consumption plateaus, the plagarizers wear it out and kill it, then they begin to copy again.

This cycle happens in every aspect of business, in music, even in certain religions and it happens in our own lives. The curious thing is that without the creators, the cycle never starts, death reigns and expands.  Without creative people economies and civilization itself begins to rot.

Watch your own creative cycles.  Are you creating, consuming or copying? In that first creating step is where all people belong, intentionally creating all of the time, this is how we were created to be, not to only consume, and not to ever plagiarise. 

Creative people are like sources of new life and preservation to our economy and to our wealth. Choose a field, choose one of your gifting and start to create, then always remain in that creativity stage, soon other people will consume and copy what you make.

Looking for more beta-testers for my creativity course, email me at and I will send you to a link to a page with a detailed outline of this online creativity video course.   

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