Video 3 – Why is Universe Fine-Tuned for Life?

Why is the Universe Fined-Tuned for Life?

Adam shares his thoughts about an unexplained universe mystery. Specifically, why is the universe fine tuned for life?

Adam also shares a book he is reading by Brian Green The Fabric of the Cosmos. This book inspired this four-part video series.

“He is before all things and in him (Jesus Christ) all things hold together” – Apostle Paul in Colossians.

Jesus Christ sees all things, he stands outside of all things so that he can see all things. This is unlike us who are within something that he is not within.

In him all things hold together.”

I believe that this is a statement about space itself, that field of fine-tuned dark energy is within him. He holds us and all things together intentionally, he himself is the fine-tuning. He made space-time to be “like a fabric”, it is within him. We are just trying to catch up in our understanding of what he has done.

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