UNOFFENDABLE teaching (which I see in so many books and at so many churches) is just terrible nonsense to teach a group of people who are supposed to be assembling as a community of Jesus followers.
Were not Jesus’ followers often offended? Is not the New Testamenhvbfull of offense over and over again.
Jesus himself was offended at evil and wrong things happening in the temple, more than once.
Harping on your people being unoffendable is to Demand a conflict-free crowd (is to make them pretend to not be offended) is abusive leadership… not wanting to deal with hurt people. Cowardly legalism.
It’s the Christian churchy version of “conceal it don’t feel it” song from Frozen.
Or perhaps it’s leaders wanting the freedom to hurt people but not deal with hurt people, you are offended ? Then leave in shame find a church you can be distant enough to not be offended at.
I know of many people hurt in church who left in silent pain, deeply hurt, who themselves had taught others “you can’t get offended, that’s immature”.
Get offended and go work it out face to face, the offended person might just be right on, their offense might be the mind of Christ and you might have sided with Satan without knowing it.
Offense is normal, conflict is good, VERY good. That’s what families do.
Care about what upsets your brother or sister don’t lay down laws upon them, like a cold-hearted bureaucrat.