When we really understand Jesus Christ


We may never full understand Jesus Christ but I think there is GREAT room for improvement in this area (myself included).  When we understand Jesus Christ we realize that nothing happens by accident. If we don’t understand him we won’t believe in who he really is. When we don’t understand and know him well, this life and this world entirely makes no sense. He lives outside time and outside this universe, He not only “has got the world in his hands” but he holds every atom together in this universe (read Col 1). He is that unknown “God particle” that some scientists are searching for.

He is the one who decided to create us in his image for specific reasons. He is the one who decided to come down and bail us out before he ever even created us.  He first created the laws of physics of the universe then he used them to create this planet and this universe (read proverbs 8).

He is the one suffering on this earth, he is the one getting ripped to pieces in the wombs and decapitated on the beaches of Libya. He is the one being enslaved and oppressed at the hands of women hating tyrants. We (suffering mankind) participate in his suffering, technically… spiritually it is not even our own suffering when we’re persecuted it is his suffering.  (read Acts 9 and Philippians 3)

He holds the title-deed to earth and to human life.

He is the one being lied about and conspired against by our leaders and misrepresented by confused men.

We are powerless and become dead without him as does every conspiracy at work against him in the halls of governments, in DC, in Syria. God laughs at the rulers of this age who conspire against him (read Psalm 2) always has, always will.

Believe in him, attach yourself to him.

Please join the Facebook group called Seeking Jesus Christ here to seek him, to share him and to read about him, certainly he deserves our time, our attention and our posts.

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