Two Types of Christian Ministry

Christian ministry as designed by Jesus Christ:

•Learn how to be led of the Holy Spirit of Christ, (this is a Christians #1) then do only what we hear and see and know that the Lord doing within you or those around with us – cooperate with Christ.

•Gather together with other Christians in any and every way possible, share the Lord with them, listen for the Lord in them.

•Generously share your wealth with needy Christians and other needy people who come into your life.

• The End / the goal is to please the Lord and to cooperate with the Holy Spirit, he controls the End, he is the measure of success

• The Means is easy and light and is described in the first three points above. And we simply entrust all fruit/ all results to Jesus Christ himself

As opposed to 👇🏽(2022 counterfeit version of ministry)

Church ministries are handed down to family members or close associates by line of succession:

1) Be loyal to the right powerful man or group of men! #1 most important.

2) Serve that man’s particular “vision” with loud and open passion.

3) Vigorously obey their unique set of church rules (different in every church, may be called culture).

4) Have the attitudes he/they want, even if you have to pretend.

5) Don’t tolerate disagreement in your interactions, (cold shoulder them or drive em out)

6) Portray yourself as agreeing with everything whether you actually do or not (helps with the marketing.)

7) Ask for “promotions”, like we would in a business.

8} Share your money exactly how he teaches/ wants, may be called tithes (in error).

9) The End / the sole measure of success is more people present in the meetings.

10) The Means: whatever it takes while repeating steps 1-8.

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