Trying Harder

Just Trying Harder Is Not the Answer

As Christians we do not “try hard” to love or to forgive or to hear God or to have joy. Trying real hard to be brave or to serve others or to please God will not get us very far.

Instead we die, we surrender and we absolutely fix ourselves on Jesus Christ both in private and together.

Then after death the life of Jesus Christ becomes energized in our lives. This life of Jesus is energized and motivated by love and by Gods nature. We die so that Jesus can use our bodies for himself.

Trying hard to “be good” or “please God” is almost the opposite of how we are to live in Christ.

“As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me.” – Jesus Christ in John 6:57

I view “trying hard” as a religious humanistic snub to Jesus. I know for the vast majority of cases and people this is not intentional. Its more of a misunderstanding of how to live out the Christian life, it is a lack of discipleship. It is what they tried at Babel, it is what they try in every world religion. But it is sticking our nose up to what Jesus taught and set up for us.

For more on this topic read my post series comparing the ministry of Judas to John the Baptist, click here.

If you want to know more then I highly recommend this Living By the Life Of Christ course by Frank Viola.


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