Trust In Money

The rich in her boastful confidence and the poor in his anxious insecurity both have inner thoughts of TRUST IN MONEY.

A rich person who trusts in money will boast and congratulate himself. They must …it’s the way of the world, it is how to get MORE.

A poor person who trusts in money will manipulate and struggle with greed and give themselves over to pursuing MONEY & THINGS. Stealing from and manipulating those around him …without a second thought.

There are many other implications to this way of thinking. Trust in money impacts how and why we are productive. How we treat people. How ambitions we are and why.

There is no easy or natural way out of this, trying hard to not trust in money just does not work. It is the human condition it is our natural state, like hair color.

Only by our daily death and the new life that is the person of Jesus Christ is there a new way.

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