The Three Types of Christian Fellowship

Below are three Categories of Christian fellowship. We absolutely need all three: but mostly #3 because it causes spiritual maturity and includes the other two. Most Christians I know only experience #2 and stay there their entire life. As it requires minimal effort and is strongly rooted in tradition.

1) General social friendship based on common beliefs, interests, goals, age or among those in same church, family, job. Having friends, Christians or non Christians, it’s important and useful and we should maintain friendships, if possible.

2) One Way ➡️ theological sharing, religious teaching or various forms of religious entertainment. (most modern church services) could be useful as a short term preparation for #3 👇🏽 !!! If it doesn’t lead to that it will revert to a religious social club, still has value but little compared to #3.

3) Two Way 🔄 spiritual sharing, unsupervised and free of human controls. The type of fellowship that God himself can lead through trained members via the Holy Spirit. Hymns, revelations, prophecies, teachings, sharing of money, interpretations, burden bearing, friendship, training, and prayers given by all, and is centered on Jesus Christ and his kingdom.

#3 should be the goal of every Christian as it pleases the Lord most and establishes his direct rule over a body of Christians, it makes him Lord over a people. This type of fellowship can be difficult to establish and maintain. As it goes against our flesh and requires the extrovert to keep silent and submit and the introverts to speak up and share. Requires training and often needs outside help and guidance but with spiritual leadership and spiritual discipleship it is not beyond what the Lord can establish in the earth. “With God all things are possible.”

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