The Type of Revival That I Am Praying For

Been thinking about the revival happening in Asbury seminary in KY since February 8, 2023. Also now happening at Cedarville and other universities around the country.

Spiritually speaking, I think what we are calling revivals are Jesus Christ within his people breaking free from the chains of sin and religious tradition.

They are almost always spontaneous, unplanned, begun and sustained by young, enthusiastic Christians. Accompanied by much prayer, repentance of sin, and free worship. And rarely have sermons or clergy control. When those things settle in they typically end.

The Type of Revival I’m Praying For

I think the ultimate revival to work toward, the revival that I am praying for, the ‘revival’ that makes me want to explode with excitement. And which keeps me writing, praying, seeking the Lord and sometimes speaking.

Will be the revival of the gospel of the Kingdom that was preached by Jesus and his apostles. I believe we only hear fragments of that one. And I’m not talking about how people fervently preach salvation or miracles, I’m talking about what exactly is preached.

When that revival occurs I believe it’ll cause all we see in Asbury and more, with widespread turmoil and persecution. And not just in seminaries and mega-churches, but among all ages and everywhere.

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