photo of woman hugging her children while smiling

The Three Types of Christians

When I travel I usually have more time to read and think. I dream about traveling for extended sabbaticals. To think and to write.

Anyhow this is what I’ve been thinking about today as I return from business trip from Seattle WA.

I’ve experienced (and have probably been myself) three different types of Christians through the years.

1) The Passive Christian – we are passive idle observers. watching the professional Christians minister while we observe, thinking we are being discipled (…forever discipled yet doing next to nothing that is spiritually significant) or we are enjoying the show- and are content with that. this type of Christian easily lives a double or a backslidden life whether they attend church or not.(common in 30s and 40s).

2) The Controlling Christian – we are in charge of everything in our spiritual (or so we think) we are earning favor and good standing in our church by good behavior, we tend to exaggerate miracles. It’s also common to see this type try to control others with positivity. We believe we must earn the right to be used by God with hard work and good behavior, and so we work very hard at that. Often getting burned out in our early to mid 30s. (Common in 20’s and teens, and newly converted Christians)

3) The Yielded Christian – this is the Christian who has learned to follow Jesus Christ above and before any other person. They do exist. This Christian follows Christ above all else yet still remains in fellowship with other Christians, they know not to isolate themselves. They’ve learned how to hear from and cooperate with the Lord from within, and they do that as best as they are able. They are ever seeking Jesus Christ and ever increasing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. (This is a rare breed, I would guess about 1 out of 100.)

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