The Spiritual Forces In Pursuit of Us

When we desert Jesus Christ we are sooner or later swept into a state of loss of control, we are swept into slavery of sorts and we are even sometimes ushered into mental illness.

One example of this is modern politics seen all over democracies and nations today.

It’s one thing to be socially and politically liberal ….but its entirely another thing to :

  • Censor free speech with impunity and insist that corporations censor the speech that angers you.
  • Vote cheat and vote-count cheat.
  • Abuse the public with firings from jobs and public shame with mandates for medicine that DOES NOT WORK!
  • Demand the freedom to kill unborn babies without so much as a pain killer. Why more cruelty to babies than cats?
  • Shamelessly Accuse opponents of the exact things you are doing in secret.
  • Violate basic biological science, and an abundance of common sense to teach kids that gender is a social construct.
  • Become violent against people who are not violent against you.

I could go on and on and there are examples on both sides of the isle to varying degrees in any time period.

But none of the stuff mentioned above is liberalism.

Instead it mankind being hard driven by a nefarious spiritual force that will do anything to usurp power over and remain over us, the peoples of every nation.

The apostle Paul referred to these nefarious spiritual forces as the principalities and powers. (Ephesiains) They are the wicked angelic spirits who’ve abandoned all assigments from the Lord. They are the displaced ‘gods’ of the nations, their days are numbered and tehy are in a state of rebellion and anticipation of their coming judgment.

Don’t fight these forces with human weapons, fight them with spiritual weapons of prayer, forgiveness and loving confrontation

Trump could not handle these forces. Conservative political activists and voters can not counter these forces. Only Jesus Christ working through a people can handle these goons the way they need to be handled.

Only Jesus Christ can counter spiritual forces as high and as powerful as we see working in societies around the world today.

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