moon in kingdom of darkness

The Real Foundation of Christian Love

Christian loyalty and love one for another is nullified and torn apart if it is not within Jesus Christ!

So then how can we know if it originates from Jesus Christ?

It is Very Simple, so simple it is often overlooked.

ANY hint whatsoever of permanent hierarchy, favoritism, ongoing preeminence of one Christian or family over many. (Today we call these pastors or priests or bishops)

This nullifies the entire group as being from the lord and pushes the entire group outside of the rule and reign of Jesus Christ. Still Christians yes but now just a general association of Christians. Something vital and life-giving is gone. Where Jesus is not in charge essentially becomes a religious club, a ministry of a certain skilled man or families, it also can easily become then a cult of personality.

Good people, good motives, but not a group that’s of, by, and to our Lord Jesus. Their loyalty, unity with, and and love for one another will then necessarily become shallow and cold and human based and then will cease to be love at all.

Only in submission to and cooperation with Jesus Christ can real love and loyalty grow and happen between Jesus followers. This is the real church, the ecclesia, growing upon the ground of equality, and of Christ living and expressing himself through each member freely, as he wants. Unmanageable by any man. Uncontrollable by any marketing program or business leader. Pastors are to train their people to meet this way, then lay down all permanent dominance over a group.

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