The Only Strong Foundation

If you have been a Christian for longer than a year. What is the foundation of your spiritual life?

•Is it anything Baptist (only your Baptist organization of course not those other Baptist’s).

•Is it anything Assemblies of God?

•Is it anything this pastor? and his soon and coming riding star of a son as your pastor.

•Is it anything Roman Catholic?

If so, could they teach you ANYthing …and you’d gradually accept it?

Or could they unteach you other God things that are within you, simply because it’s not in them?

If those guys are your spiritual foundation what if they (in all seriousness) asked you to jump off a bridge with them?

Would you check in with Jesus first? Would you even know how to?

Or might you say “sure pastor which bridge?”

Or might you say, “no Jesus did not tell me that, (raise palm up to face).”

There is grave danger for a Christian in having a foundation of other Christians. It’s a huge mistake.

Jesus himself is our inner foundation and we come to know him through many others with that same foundation. If a man derives his meaning and identity by his “ministry and calling” …run in other direction.

Or a foundation of certain families who are “in the ministry”.

Or some lost denomination of holy men who should have dissolved the denomination 100 years ago. If only they had been willing to lay down their religious ambition, and be led of the spirit.

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