The Jesus Opinion Poll

Public opinion polls are interesting but not a good measure of right and wrong.

They are only a good measure of right and wrong to the extent of the public’s ability and willingness to be led by the Holy Spirit.

The miniscule minority of humans who are able and willing to be led by him make opinion polls uninteresting to me to study.

Jesus Christ cares about one opinion poll only. And that is the opinions and beliefs of his followers.

He does not care which politicians we support. He cares about what we think about him and about the ministry of his body in the earth.

that is the poll I believe he takes often. Looking into his followers ongoing to shape and mold and test our thoughts on spiritual things.

It matter far more to the future of our world and our well being what we think of the place of Jesus Christ in heaven and on earth (his ecclesia) over what we think about who rules the executive branch of the government for presidency.

That means that Jesus Christ cares more about what you think of his place in your life and in your little fellowship/church than who wins the white house. Is Jesus Lord among your brother and sisters in church, does your pastor allow him to run the gatherings? Do you allow him Lordship over your finances and in your private behavior? That is the major, who you want to run the government is the minor.

Jesus can easily sway the government to his will, regardless of who is in power. Jesus-followers however have the high calling of cooperating with his purpose devised before he ever created us and this visible universe. You, dear Christian are more important to the future than Trump or Biden.

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