The gods of Government

This post was written in July of 2020 just before a presidential election. It might be hard to read, please read it anyhow.

The extent to which Donald Trump (or any future leader) rules the government independently of Jesus Christ is the same extent that he ultimately reports to Satan …without understanding it. Don’t believe in Jesus or Satan?, that’s fine, this post is simply here to explain reality, whether we believe in it or not.

Hundreds of years ago we’d probably call them the “the money gods” of Donald Trump. It would be openly discussed without shame in many countries, I imagine even he would talk to and about them.

Also, in my opinion the violent gods which seem to be controlling the dems seem to have a tighter and more cruel grip on them. Many of them seem eager to impose their will on everyone with sneaky subversion, and violence.

I think most people in both camps mean well. And I think neither realize who they report to (spiritually). Many even try to reconcile certain principles of Jesus with their decisions and their leadership.

But make no mistake if it’s not the ecclesia of Jesus Christ, his personal rule and reign by the Holy Spirit, then it is just NOT him! Don’t be confused about spiritual things. Left vs. right is not good vs. evil.

Good vs. evil is now defined by Jesus Christ vs. Anti Christ. Jesus Christ defines all things.

If it is outside of Jesus Christ, then it is just two sides of the same worldly, godless, demon-controlled coin.

My vote is for Jesus Christ to rule the earth. And right now this only comes by the ecclesia. If Jesus Christ can rule you and your small fellowship of Christians then the world is on the right track. The rule and reign of Jesus Christ will not come by our superior constitution, nor by voting for this great guy or that great guy. And not by the blood shedding of patriots and tyrants (per Thomas Jefferson).

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