The Best Human Community

Christianity is community through Jesus Christ, in Jesus Christ, and by Jesus Christ.

Marrxism, communism, socialism is community through the state, in the state and by the state. People who dream about these ideas of community have taken ideas from God, excluded Jesus Christ and applied his place to “the state”. Which they give gif-like qualities which the state can never live up to. Only Jesus is qualified and capable of being Jesus and forming the new humanity.

Like many other forms of government it is plagiarism combined with idolatry. And it is the same old terrible ideas man has been pushing for millennia. Even if voting is involved! Voting in and of it self is not necessarily virtuous or noble. We can vote in terrible ideas and people just as easily as dictators can cease power by brutality and cruelty.

Socialism is the same old symptom of the mental illness of hostility toward God.

The government of Jesus Christ within men’s hearts is the only path forward. We need the new humanity bound up within him if any real progress is to be made. The old humanity is hopeless, violent, incompetent and cruel.

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