The Ability to Respond

The ability to respond appropriately to Jesus Christ, and to wisdom is a spiritual ability. It is not a natural one. Religious tradition more than anything else hinders our ability to see reality, but much worse it hinders our ability to respond to reality and to Jesus Christ. It keeps us imprisoned even beyond a lifetime but for generations.

Stubbornness, only listening to approved people (regardless of what they say), and rejecting wisdom because we don’t like a person communicating (he doesn’t speak well, he’s not from my denomination) is really a curse.

The ability to clearly see reality, and to respond appropriately, comes from above.

Also the ability to clearly share and communicate reality so that others can respond appropriately is also from above.

The tendency to be stubborn is natural and is the default state of fallen humanity.

The tendency to communicate poorly, or inappropriately, or not at all is also our default state.

Learning, accepting new insights, and cooperating with the Lord are themselves miracles.

And if miracles, then we cannot control them with tools of persuasion or dominance. Wish I could, and to the extent that I can dominate to persuade is the extent it ceases to be a spiritual thing from the Lord,.

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