John Adams’ Truth Bomb

I hate writing this, but I’ve come to conclude that our great constitution and founding documents are fundamentally flawed. They are fundamentally weak and incapable of dealing with our present crises.

The US GOVT as designed, is exclusively for moral and honest people. People who can tolerate not getting their way. People who do not conspire against people they disagree with. People who will not carry out elaborate voting crimes to win swing states. People who will not abuse one another with the weapons of government when they get control of that government. People who will not riot and loot and murder when they feel slighted.

In a sentence: Our constitutional government cannot work for people who are hostile to Jesus Christ.

Compared to the ecclesia, the US federal government is a delusional, weak, and inadequate form of government.

There is no substitute for the ecclesia. There is no version of the ecclesia that is tolerable or agreeable to blind and darkened Satan-followers.

Only governments of cruel and violent dictatorships will suffice for a people who reject the daily kingship of Jesus Christ.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams

“Wholly inadequate” perfectly put, John Adams was so very right.

So what is the remedy for this? If Americans are immoral and godless. what will happen?

The answer to that question is difficult to hear and accept. It is the same answer given to Israel. There is just no replacement for God in a nation and in individual lives, there is no replacement or back up plan for the ecclesia. It’s Him or its….well…its like every one else on earth and that’s not a good thing. We have the principalities and powers and wicked spirits in high places as mentioned in Ephesians 1. Former generations all over the world called these the gods. But they are just evil spirits who control humanity through violence and human government. Don’t believe in them? that’s fine, they are there anyhow believe it or not.

But Jesus Christ opens up all sorts of options to us that we lose when we abandon him. Or when we refuse his Lordship as so many Americans have been doing for so long. Both the godless and the devout together denying him His right as king here on earth.

Be it congregation making some clergyman Lord of their gatherings as they collectively ignore the spirit of Jesus for his every decree. Or it be a authoritarian governor passing executive orders labeling and banning scriptures as hate speech.

It’s the same thing. The former being much more difficult to spot as error but both are a snub and a denial of Lord Jesus his rightful place.

In fact, of the two examples above I believe the former is more offensive to the Lord and more difficult to deal with. Because it’s covered in a shroud of religion and piety. And I believe it leads to the tyranny of the later example. The governments naively follow the lead of the bodies of Christ. If there is darkness among the Christians how much darker is that darkness among the lost?

Help us Lord Jesus, for you are our only option!

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