An Open Hand at Work

I accumulate hundreds of quotes in a word document, every once in a while I have to share.
“When you learn, teach, when you get, give.”
― Maya Angelou
If only we all followed this quote in our careers and in our lives. If only we had an open hand of generosity.
  Is it difficult for you to teach at work?

Steps to Teaching Yourself

I work in research and I’ve learned that one of the most important skills the best researchers have is that they teach themselves, they dont wait to be taught.  When in graduate school most scientists are taught this.  Often material that was never lectured on is required learning and will be tested on. I once took a course where the professor said to read such and such a paper and be ready to be tested on it, no lectures, no review session, he basically said “teach yourself this material.”  At the other extreme, when kids are in first grade every item is lectured on, the abc’s are taught, repeated, given for mandatory homework, rehearsed with quizzes then lectured again until the child grasps the information.

Being willing to teach yourself new things is a wonderful attitude to have in adulthood. Things like teaching yourself to parent better, teaching yourself to manage money better, teaching yourself how to repair or remodel your home or teaching yourself a new principle from the bible are good examples of things we should be learning on going.

It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.  ~Attributed to Harry S Truman

Learning to teach yourself may require two changes,

  1. become willing to learn, are you teachable? or are you good to go and know everything you need for life?, and
  2. make an effort to be your own teacher and not wait for someone else to teach you.

The first is really an attitude change the second requires a work ethic, teaching yourself takes effort, its not fun sometimes, I just want others to teach me something rather than learn it slowly.  It might require we read a book or many books, it might require taking a course.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Teaching yourself is sign of maturity.

What are the things in life that you wish you knew how to do? or knew how to do better? why not teach yourself?

What have you taught yourself that you are glad you did?

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