When Jesus Seeks Someone

When Jesus is seeking someone it can be very obvious. When he is after a man or woman to reveal himself inwardly, nothing can stand in his way… except perhaps that person. And when that person begins to respond according to how they are being pursued, every homily, every sermon, ever discussion of theology, or philosophy and even every old church tradition can urge her along.

It is only a matter of time and of response. A matter of surrender. Sometimes he’ll whisper to a person in silence for years. Other times He’ll send a person on their path who will seem to be screaming the words of Christ to them. Exactly what they need to hear when they need to hear it. And exploding spiritual light into their spiritual eyes.

It’s one of the most wonderful things to experience and almost as wonderful to watch happen in others.

But …when that is just not happening, as much as we wish it were, and try to make it happen for ourselves or others, no sermon, no amount of church attendance, no amount of paying tithes and offerings, no bible study, no memorized passages, no amount of arguing and persuading matter. No amount of what we think to be good parenting or persuasive debating amounts to anything.

Jesus Christ reveals himself to people in his time and in his way. He personally and actively controls it … up to this very moment. All we can do is pray for ourselves and others to respond in a way that pleases the Lord. Respond in a spiritually violent manner, burn the ships. Be there for people to witness to him at the right time. Help others in a way that causes them to seek Jesus as much as HE is seeking them. So they can live his life.

Is Jesus seeking you? You probably sense it deep within if he is. If so I want to know, please reach out to me if you want help, or just someone to talk to.


“It pleased the Father to reveal his Son in me.” – Apostle Paul

Following God is the Real Seeking God

Seeking God will never fit into a Sunday sermon, or few week sermon series.

When we seriously seek him we do find him and he often says “follow me”, “drop that”, “why are you doing that?” we are to drop what we are doing (sometimes even our things we intended be FOR him) and do something completely different WITH him.

Real seeking feels great up until when “following him” gets hard, and no one notices, or cares. When it causes us to be unpopular, or it gets us unfriended.

Its just then when we either are going to seek him, follow him or stop following him and do our own thing again.

There is tremendous pressure to stop seeking, to stop finding, to stop following. Get back to our particular exciting religious tradition done OUR way, it just makes us feel sooo good.

It is disappointing but Jesus is not preaching sermon series and he’s not making altar calls. Sorry I love them too, they do have some value for us, but he’s just not building in that way.

Seek Meaning – Everyone is Seeking Him

Three Examples Among Millions (seek meaning)

I am sitting in Dunkin Donuts listening to a woman scold a 5-6 year old boy. For over 20 minutes she is shaming him about stealing something then lying. He seems stubborn and refusing to admit wrong in between his tears of shame. What she is seeking  (I think) is some sign of repentance, an acknowledgement of wrong doing. (seek meaning)

I am watching Shark Tank and one of the sharks is scolding someone for withholding information. What he is seeking I think is transparent honesty.

I am reading the book “the Fabric of the Cosmos” by Brian Green. The theoretical physics community is seeking for what some of them call a Theory of Everything or the unified theory. This theory will link quantum physics (subatomic) to relativity (gravity) it will explain and predict all things in this universe. What I think they want is the truth about reality. Why are we here? How did we get here and what is the purpose for us and all that we see?

Repentance, honesty, the truth about reality.

“I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life.”  – Jesus Christ

The things that humanity seeks day in day out are all associated exclusively with Jesus Christ. Life, joy, peace, provision. Jesus Christ is truth and goodness itself. We really crave him and every single human that lives (whether they realize it or not) is actually seeking him.

We want him and we crave him deep within. Our DNA is programmed to express him and live by him but we’ve been distracted and enslaved by another.

Systems of Unbelief and Distraction

Enslaved by systems that are independent and disbelieving in Jesus Christ. But he is still there and we are still seeking him. Some seek him ignorantly by default and others seek him intentionally in pursuit of knowing him.

The good thing I see, regardless of who does or does not come to him is that absolutely everything is going to Jesus Christ. He will not be a mystery to the majority of people on earth forever. He is the future itself for everyone. And when we all see him we will know why we exist, truth will prevail. Honesty and integrity will be the norm.

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