purifying ourselves

The Ability to Seek

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” – Jesus Christ

I tend to exhort and try to teach everyone who will listen, to seek Jesus constantly. But I think it takes more than that, more than a determination and decision of the mind. There must be an inner spiritual heavenly drive to seek God or we simply won’t.

“God looks down from heaven on the children of man to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. They have all fallen away; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭53:2-3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Seeking God first is not an act of devoutly religious persons. Real seeking comes from Jesus himself. He enables us to seek and endure seeking. He gives us the ability to care and understand why and how to seek him. Jesus sought the father like no human ever did.

And if you can let him live in you you can seek God like Jesus did. Seek Jesus with the ability of Jesus.

Duty and strict human discipline falls far short, it is limited to effort, will power, and even intellect.

Jesus Worhsip

Rest, Peace, and Intense Fervent Seeking

On one hand …

a Christian is securely blessed, she is to live in perpetual rest and peace in Jesus. No need for performance or living up to others expectations. No laws needed, just a relaxed state of resting in God, hidden in Jesus Christ. As we die daily, surrendering our life, our ambitions and our good works. We are to live in a perpetual sabbath rest, a perpetual Jubilee feast. We are seated very high in heavenly places far above anything whatsoever to worry about. Goodness and mercy following us, laying beside the still waters that he brings us to.

but on the other hand…

We are to intensely and fervently seek and pursue Jesus Christ. As if no one or nothing else mattered. We are to be so spiritually violent with spiritual things that we seem obsessed. In hot pursuit of knowing him alone, no distractions, we’re not to major on any thing good or bad other than knowing Jesus Christ alone.

Completely and totally handing over our lives to him, given over to him. Losing friends if necessary, offending family if needed. Given over to him to the point of death.

Lukewarm-ness and self-centeredness becomes a foreign language to us. Which is are not remotely enticing.

We relax and live at rest and peace concerning life and death and provision. But we are intensely…fervently striving to know Jesus Christ. Digging deep in him, daily using spiritual violence with our own sin. Yet using extreme mercy with other’s sin.

Hebrew 4:9 there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. 10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest (through belief in Jesus Christ), lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief (people of Israel not entering Cannan because of unbelief.)

Also check out The Provision of Jesus Christ

Be Aggressive About This One Thing

Aggression is not viewed as a positive things these days. Aggressive people are typically not well-liked. I tend to feel the same way about most aggressiveness. However, I think there is one area of life that we ought to be very aggressive, very assertive and very stubborn about. That is to be constantly seeking to know Jesus Christ and his kingdom.

I find an extremely wonderful way to live is to stubbornly and constantly seek to:

  • Know Jesus Christ personally.
  • Know everything about him.
  • Understand how to hear from him right now, so we do not wander off doing our own thing.
  • Tell others all we learn and know about him who have the same heart for him.
  • Listen for him in the ministry and sharing of others.

Never delegate your life’s-focus to anyone else. Take personal responsibility to make sure you are always increasing in the knowledge of him.

Don’t put up with distractions from this internal or external. Distractions that are obviously evil and/ or ones that appear religious and seem good. My definition of a distraction is absolutely anything that shifts ones focus and life-aim off of the person of Jesus Christ.

Any person, any thing, even religious idea, even “ministry visions” (that sound so good) that distracts from that. Consider them to be Satan standing in your way. He smiles and points you over to some attractive distraction.

Be spiritually aggressive toward Jesus and Satan, don’t get passive or lukewarm about knowing him.

Snap out of it, if you love Jesus at all know that he needs people like that. Jesus can build great things with a group of spiritually aggressive people like this.

Lukewarm, spiritually-retired and permanently distracted Christians are some of the most confused people on earth.

“But seek first His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Jesus Christ

There is a reason he said seek first.

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