The End of All Other Kingdoms

The coming of the kingdom of Jesus Christ ends all other kingdoms. Can you see it coming? it’s on the spiritual horizon. It’s lighting up the sky and all our futures.

  • It ends all the governments of men.
  • It ends the kingdom of my life.
  • It undoes the kingdom of world religions.
  • It gets under the skin of all and everyone loyal to Satan (whether people realize they are) or not.

The coming of the kingdom of Jesus Christ is “Gods will being done ON EARTH as it is in heaven.”

On earth Satan also still works, he’s a usurping leader. In a vacuum he can impose his old worn out and cruel vision for humanity. He is still the incumbent regime in many places around the earth.

So this kingdom of Jesus Christ which displaces him against his will is infuriating. It can lead to violence and persecution.

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