heavenly places

Christ is All Things

Christ is All

I am in a 757 airplane flying over the Rocky Mountains Saturday reading the book One by Henry Hon. I am reminded by Hon that Christ is all things and all things in life point to him. This happens if we are willing to look at life in a spiritual way. In scripture we see the apostles pointing to Jesus Christ as the real spiritual subject of all happenings.

For example, Jesus is the real land of provision (Eph 3:17-18), the real manna the bread of life giving me energy everyday (John 6:48). He is the real Passover lamb giving me nourishment for the journey (John 1:29). He is the real gold and copper and silver in the land. He is the real milk, the real honey, he is the real water of life (John 4:11) flowing in the land. He is also the real breath of life that we so easily take for granted.

Jesus is My 757 Jetliner

Ephesians 4:10 He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things.

But for me today Jesus Christ is the real 757 jetliner. He is taking me home to the family I love. He is my enclosure which keeps me warm and quickly moving in the right direction. If I were to get out of this plane I’d be going in the wrong direction. I’d be headed for a place that I don’t belong. He has air for me to breathe up here, he has food and drinks for me up here. He has chairs to sit in comfort (sort of) and he has real entertainment found in new friends within him.

Jesus Christ moves me faster, taking me where I belong. He moves me far above my obstacles and the immovable mountains that I cannot remove on my own. Far above the snow storms and the freezing winds, far above the wasteland desert of Nevada I see below. And Jesus escorts me far faster and far higher than I could ever hope to move without him.


Like the Mountains in Springtime

To the Mountains in Spring Time

This post is to record our family trip to Buena Vista Colorado in May 2015.  In May of 2014 I attended the SCORRE conference in Orlando Florida, on the last day the event organizers (including Ken Davis) gave away a ticket to the Platform Conference. And one week free in Ken Davis personal mountain home in Buena Vista.

I went to the Platform Conference in Colorado Springs in November 2014 and to Ken Davis’s home with my family for this trip.

Day 1  Flight:

Took shuttle flight on Wednesday to Lexington KY, kids loved the plane and the free OJ. At take off Sue turned to dad and said “Now THIS is a trip” we rented a Sienna in Lexington, stopped at a great Kentucky Fried Chicken in Kentucky (better than the ones in NY).

We then drove to outside Kansas City (almost 600 miles), got a hotel at about 10:30pm. Melanie drove the entire day 7-months pregnant… that’s what she wanted.

Day 1 - Now This Is A Trip

Sue turned to Dad at take-off and said “now THIS…is a trip”.

Day 1 - Dad Caleb in Shuttle

Caleb and Dad

Day 1 - Mom Lilly in Shuttle

Mom and Lilly

Day 2 …Kansas Forever:

Woke up and hit the road by 8:15am drove through Missouri, Kansas and ½ of Colorado (over 600miles). Everyone was very grumpy and tired from ~13 hours in the van.  Mom drove all day until Colorado Springs, dad drove up to Buena Vista. Elevation of Buena Vista is about 9000 feet, about 1.5 miles higher than home.

Day 2 - Kansas

flat empty beautiful Missouri, Kansas, Colorado all day long

Day 2 - Family Van Selfie

on the road in Missouri, family selfie

Day 3 – Rainy Day of Rest

Dad woke up and got groceries at ~6:30, snow on the ground, most day was cold 35-55 and rainy. Decided to have a day of rest, school-work and planning. The house is perfect, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathroom, dining room, 2 family rooms, 3 car garage. Buena Vista is about 9000 feet in elevation, much of the day we were actually in a cloud.

Our home in NY is about 1.5 miles below us at about 500 feet in elevation. Colorado Springs is 6035 feet in elevation.  Denver is 5280 feet in elevation.  The front of the house is a view down into a valley of Buena Vista, behind us is mountains (mount Columbia and mount Harvard). Both of these mountains are higher than 14,000 feet, the views were amazing.

Day 3 - View

amazing view from cabin down into Buena Vista

We did get a little restless and took a walk to the pond and the walking trail.

Day 3 - mount Columbia 2

The Rest of the Trip

The mountains were amazing, so was all the family time. If you’ve never been to Colorado, its a must see trip. I enjoyed this trip to the mountains in springtime more than a typical sunburn trip at the beach. Check out Annie’s song by John Denver about the mountains in spring time. After spending time in Colorado I think I understand this song a little better.

Check out my other post about this trip My Three Hours in The Mountain

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My 3 Hours in the Mountain

Three Hours in Mount Columbia

In early May I traveled to Buena Vista, Colorado staying in a cabin at the base of Mount Columbia. I was there with my wife and 5 children on vacation at about 9000 feet in elevation thanks to the generosity of Ken and Diane Davis. One Sunday that we were there we stayed in the cabin after a very dangerous day of hail and blizzard conditions near Colorado Springs. As terrifying that 4-hour ride home was last night (should have been 2), Sunday was as good. Days like that are what vacations are all about for me. A time to write, to pray and a time to reflect about the path we are on.

I spent about hours in the mountain, it felt like those 3 hours exploring and praying negated a year of life-stress for me. I hiked up 3 Elks Stream Trail up to the base of Mount Columbia, it was calling me. The temperature was 45 and sunny and the 6″ of snow from last night was quickly melting away in the sun. It was dropping from the trees, filling up the stream for me to drink. I walked about a mile up the trail.

Colorado Wildlife

I saw many signs of Rocky Mountain life including a large coyote print in the snow, the paw was shockingly large, larger than what we see in NY. I also saw a large dropping from an elk and his hoof prints. As I wrote this I heard maybe the same coyote calling near where I was sitting taking photos earlier.

As I walked back to the cabin I heard an Elk calling from about 200 yards down in another raveen so I decided to walk down in pursuit. This raveen then brought me to another part of the mountain where it is too steep to walk.  I walked up as far as I could then sat down and took pictures of the breath-taking view. In one photo I saw a hawk soaring …below me. I sitting on a very steep area from where the hawk was soaring with the mountains in the background on the other side.

above a soaring hawk

above a soaring hawk

Book Ideas

I also started writing a book on this trip. Its a book about how creativity is the result of the communion and love between God and man. Some chapters of this book is already written. After seeing another corner of God’s creation (Rocky Mountains) and reading the creation story in Genesis and John, I realized that the entire creation. The universe itself, all of humanity is a result from the mutual love and communion between the Father and Son. The Greek word for this love and communion is koinonia.

The premise of the book explores the fact that all of creation is a result of their unmatched love and shared life.  This is the reason for life, this is the purpose of the creation. The mutual communion between people and God and then people with other people is the key driver of human creativity. I see many of examples of this.

Rocky Mountain Coyote Track

Rocky Mountain Coyote Track

Thanks for reading.


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