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Understanding the Reality of Unjust Suffering

I was slow-reading the book of Job from the Old Testalemt recently and was struck by a realization that I find fascinating. When Job was suffering and when his three “friends” were there debating him and accusing him. Job and all his friends were actually trying to make sense of their reality. Why were these series of tragedies happening to Job?

Both Job and his friends had thought they understood reality and life. But Job was smacked in the face with someting horrific that did not fit his understanding of life at all. A few of his friends were essentially insisting they still understood and were then accusing Job according to that understanding.

But as good as friends arguments and reasonsings and logic and eloquate debate were. Job’s friends did not know somethng that Job knew. And all four of them did not know something that God and Satan knew about the situation. The narrative of God drawing the attention of Satan onto Job and Satan then accusing him and then getting permission to torment him, were unknown realities to Job and his friends at the time.

Reality is what it is, and the best we can do is try to make sense of it. That is what much of this book of Job is about. Four rich, powerful and good men (plus one youth), trying to understand and explain reality.

I have made it one of my life’s ambitions and personal ministries to explain reality to those around me. On every level I am driven and motivated to both understand reality and help explain it to others. Scientific reality, emotional relational reality, political and geopolitical realities and most importantly spiritual reality.

Science and Reality

Toward explaining reality the learning method we call science has a role in explaining portions of reality. Although I think science is given more credit than it deservies, I love science, I do it daily at work and have a science degree.

Historically what is called scientific knowledge has changed over time, ALOT. The things we learn from science are later understood deeper by continued science. Or sometimes undone by actual science done well, after the ulterior motives are exposed and removed. Hypotheses are refuted or strengthened and tweaked from yesterday for something that tracks better with truth.

The Many Layers of Reality

So the fascinating things that we gradually understand via science are just one of many layers of reality. Importnat layers that should be understood but just a few of the many layers of reality for us to understand.

When Job’s friends were arguing and accusing much of what they were saying was true. Was accurate theologically, much had to do with the law of reaping and sowing. The problem was that it just didn’t apply to this situation. Job was not reaping what he sewed when his wealth was consumed with fire from heaven. When all his children were killed by a sudden and massive storm, and then when his body became infected with painful black boils. His suffering was not a consequence of his sin. Job knew that deep within, but his friends assumed it must be the case and increasingly accused him unjustly.

There was what I call a layer of reality that they did not understand nor realize was affecting his situation.

Sometimes we can only comprehend and deal with our realities, situations and circumstances with faith. Confident trust in the Lord who has access to us and our situation that we do not. We can even begin to comprehend and enlighten our spiritual reality by faith and by being trained to interact with God through the Spirit of Christ.

There was a layer of reality that they did not understand and that was the law of suffering brought about by the fall and by the takeover that Satan was able to do at the fall of Adam.

God schooled everyone listening about this layer of reality which we know as unjust suffering. Jesus Christ later elaborated on this law and displayed perfect submission to it. The suffering messiah as laser predicted in the book of Isaiah.

But there was something else going on with his situation. And we the readers are given insight into this something else in the first two chapters.

Fast forward to today I think it is important for the Christian, espeically ones who teach other Christians, to understand this layer of reality, this law of unjust suffering and its link to Jesus Christ and living the life of Jesus Christ. I hear young preachers preach like Job’s friends. Not comprehending the law of suffering and persecution and the cross that Jesus expects us to pick up daily and carry. Sometimes we are called to carry the very thing that will afflict us. That is not heresy and that is part of our realities. It is a part of the discipleship that the Spirit of Jesus is bringing to us.

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What is the Morality of Jesus Christ

This post is probably not what you might think based on the title.

I recently had a conversation with some friends about sin and God and forgiveness and it led me to think about morality, and specifically the morality of Jesus Christ.

I could quote a lot scripture at this point about his sinlessness, or about the concept of confession, and sin, and justice and grace, and capital punishment but that is not the angle I am taking.

I think it is really important to understand that there is a morality of Jesus Christ that is not what most think it is.

The popular morality of today that most people hold to is essentially “as long as I don’t hurt someone else I am not sinning, I can worship whatever I want. I can say or do whatever I like in my private life. But the most important thing is that I not hurt other people.” Or “if my good deeds outweigh my bad then I will go to heaven.”

I think there are useful aspects to thinking like this Jesus said “Love your neighbor as your self”. Which goes a long way along these lines.

But I think there are some things missing in that modern morality. One thing that is missing is our ability to fulfill that morality. Furthermore, if that encompasses all or most of our morality there is something else even more massive missing. And that missing component makes all the difference.

What is missing is actually a who. Jesus Christ himself is absent from that sense of right and wrong.

And because Jesus Christ is missing it is utterly bankrupt and is a useless morality.

It becomes bankrupt because we cannot do it without him. No matter how good one tries or wants to be, not hurting others, we fail at some point. Be it through incompetence, through gossip, through confrontations, though neglect, or even through lying. Not telling the truth hurts people even if we do it ignorantly. For example, if something we are teaching our children or other children is untrue, even if we believe it to be true, we are injuring them, Creating strongholds in their little minds that they have to some how, slowly figure out later in life. And maybe, hopefully, undo in their thinking.

Jesus Christ must be central to morality because only Jesus Christ has taken care of sin.

Jesus Christ has already dealt with all of our sin whether we realize it or not.

Spiritually speaking, which is the reality that matters. Jesus Christ has crucified all the sin of every human being, for all time. Even unbelieving athiest’s sin, even mass murder sins, and even child rapists. He has crucified all of their sin. It is over, that sin is gone, buried, forever forgotten from Gods mind. All buried on the trash heap of history. Gods pardon waits for us. Our war is over, if we will accept it.

And now ….in the new creation that Jesus and the Father began at his resurrection. Now… only one sin matters. And that sin is disbelief in Jesus Christ. Rejecting him is all that matters, not because God is narsissitic but because out side of him humanity is already dead, completely gone. Considered already in hell. And Jesus Christ is the (one and only) resurrection, he is the start over plan, he is the reset button. There is no plan B. He is all there is, and he is all that matters, now …how we react to him defines us.

There is no such thing as some sort of morality or cosmic justice that is still measuring us. Measuring us, judging good from bad and deciding what should happen about us getting go to heaven or getting to be forgiven. All that happens inside of us when we believe in or reject Jesus Christ. And then the Christian is not only considered forgiven and sinless like Jesus… he is also enabled to not sin if he will cooperate, to be able to resist sin through the eternal life of Jesus Christ within.

End of story, it is that simple.

When a person believes and accepts Jesus Christ he resurrects from his dark and hopeless state of death and darkness into the kingdom of Jesus Christ. A kingdom which will one day take over the earth and also give us new resurrected bodies to dwell in.

The governments exist with the Lords permission and mandate to maintain peace, to punish killers, and to try to hold back wickedness from killing us all. But human government will not last, has no future, is easily corrupted, and will be displaced when Christ returns.

So then what about the believer in Jesus who turns back and who does horrific sins?

First off, just because a person says or thinks he is Christian doesn’t mean he is. Even if he is clergy. Often church activity deceives us and others about our own real, spiritual state.

A Christian who murders or rapes is rejecting Jesus Christ in order to do those things. He already has abandoned him, can he be forgiven? Yes, but will he? is the real question.

If he wont repent and turn to Christ then its a very simple no. Repentance and coming to Jesus Christ are synonymous, they happen almost simultaneous. They can’t be faked or turned into a law that we can use to judge people or even ourselves.

What matters is the spiritual reality between us and Jesus Christ and He is not difficult or burdensome to connect with or to follow.

John the Baptist prepared people for Jesus Christ by leading them to repent of sins. That humbling and humiliating act of confessing sin and turning away from it and looking to God for salvation, enabled them to believe in Jesus Christ when he came just a few weeks later. That repentance was symbolized by water baptism.

Those who cannot or will not repent, cannot or will not believe in Jesus Christ. It is much simpler than we want to make it.

There is no conflict, Christians abandon and turn away from Christ all the time. Judas who betrayed Jesus abandoned him, betrayed him for money. Set him up for torture and murder, the one he supposedly loved and followed. He was a believer, at least at one point. Jesus then said, when he knew it was happening that it “would have been better had he never been born.”

Jesus decides who is with him, whom he knows, who is following him and who is pretending as a Sunday morning show.

Jesus Christ is the law now, and he is a real and living person like us.

Just because some group who calls itself a church says a person is forgiven and made it into heaven despite murdering 30 people doesn’t make it so. But then again there may be examples when that has happened, but Jesus decides, who are we to question him? And who are we to impose a morality on him about how other people have sinned?

Jesus decides, he judges a person by whether or not he ever knew them, not by what they said or did for a living. Not by what they may have accomplished in some church denomination. If he wanted us to know the eternal state of every bad person he’d let us know.

The important thing to know and cooperate with is the morality of Jesus Christ. And that is one of complete erasure of sin and missteps for whomever will come to him in reality.

The morality of Jesus Christ is a morality of belief or disbelief, of acceptance and embrace or rejection and disregard, for Jesus Christ himself.

God is now taking from the dead of humanity and is using them to create his kingdom with us. Those who are able to hear and to see Jesus Christ for who he is, to join in his resurrection, join his new creation, become a part of the new humanity. The new humanity that will eventually displace everything we see on earth, and take over, expel Satan and his spiritual minions once and for all, and God will have back his humanity. The prized-possession that is so priceless to him which he lost in the Garden of Eden.

When Peter told Jesus that he was “the Christ, the son of the living God” and Jesus responded “blessed are you Simon because flesh and blood did not reveal that to you but my heavenly father” He was talking about the nature of faith itself, of real faith, of spiritual faith that comes from above into the heart of a man. And creates new creatures, the new humanity, it resurrects dead and darkened people into the real and intended kingdom, that has already started in Christ.

But until then believe in Jesus Christ, I do, and there is more to him that I could ever express in a lifetime.

Similar Content Jesus Christ | In Pursuit of Christ (

If you want to read more on this topic read the book of Ephesians, the first 4 chapters slowly and repeatedly

I also I suggest this book. INSURGENCE by Frank Viola | Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom

The gods of Government

This post was written in July of 2020 just before a presidential election. It might be hard to read, please read it anyhow.

The extent to which Donald Trump (or any future leader) rules the government independently of Jesus Christ is the same extent that he ultimately reports to Satan …without understanding it. Don’t believe in Jesus or Satan?, that’s fine, this post is simply here to explain reality, whether we believe in it or not.

Hundreds of years ago we’d probably call them the “the money gods” of Donald Trump. It would be openly discussed without shame in many countries, I imagine even he would talk to and about them.

Also, in my opinion the violent gods which seem to be controlling the dems seem to have a tighter and more cruel grip on them. Many of them seem eager to impose their will on everyone with sneaky subversion, and violence.

I think most people in both camps mean well. And I think neither realize who they report to (spiritually). Many even try to reconcile certain principles of Jesus with their decisions and their leadership.

But make no mistake if it’s not the ecclesia of Jesus Christ, his personal rule and reign by the Holy Spirit, then it is just NOT him! Don’t be confused about spiritual things. Left vs. right is not good vs. evil.

Good vs. evil is now defined by Jesus Christ vs. Anti Christ. Jesus Christ defines all things.

If it is outside of Jesus Christ, then it is just two sides of the same worldly, godless, demon-controlled coin.

My vote is for Jesus Christ to rule the earth. And right now this only comes by the ecclesia. If Jesus Christ can rule you and your small fellowship of Christians then the world is on the right track. The rule and reign of Jesus Christ will not come by our superior constitution, nor by voting for this great guy or that great guy. And not by the blood shedding of patriots and tyrants (per Thomas Jefferson).

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