Posting Daily in Q1 2018

2017 has been the best year I’ve had for blog traffic for this site, I doubled the traffic of my best year. To be honest I am not sure why this is, it seems the less I share content on social media the more traffic I get… If anyone can explain that I’m all ears.

I have decided to try to post on this blog every work day of the first quarter of 2018. If that goes well I will continue it.

Stay tuned, I have thousands of pages of content to share, I write daily but most stays buried in my laptop.

My first post series in 2018 will be titled Synonymous, it is a post series about seeking Jesus Christ and it is also sneak peek from my book currently titled Distracted.

My book From His Side is complete, it is awaiting self-publishing, when I have the money to publish I will do so.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great 2018!

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