008 Why R&D Teams Should use Social Enterprise Networking


As a reminder the content of this podcast and blog is intended to help companies and organizations implement internal social tools in order to operate more effectively.


My URL has changed for this site from sociallayerpodcast.com to www.socialayers.com (only one L).  This url seems more appropriate for this site which hosts both blog and podcast posts.


Check out my guest post on at the Innocentive blog here!


Feature Segment:

One reason that R&D teams should use social enterprise networking.  I have several reasons for this but went with only one for this episode in order to focus more sharing useful action items rather than just sharing lists.


Enterprise Social Networks can help to eliminate knowledge silos.  These networks do this by:

  • Creating a searchable database of employee expertise, allowing teams to identify experts and saving valuable company time on learning.
  • Providing news feeds of knowledge workers work to spread valuable knowledge, making the company more intelligent and an overall faster innovator.


Call to Action: Poll your R&D team see how they react to the prospect of having a social network at work.  Teach your teams that if knowledge sharing is important why not use the tool of software to help with this?


Social Layer Segment:


Whether we realize it or not we are learning things during our personal social media activities.  The art of maximizing the connectivity and the response of your tribe to your social media posts can be different for every network.   Apply these learning’s to your company network to maximize the response of your fellow employees to your posts and provide the maximize benefit the company.


Calls to action:

  • Get active on at least one social media network, LinkedIn might be most applicable to a current or future enterprise social network.
  • Compile a list of learning’s for each of your social media networks, focus on what types of posts at time for post get the most response from your connections?


If you like this podcast or if it has been useful to you please share the love at www.socialayers.com/love


What are some other ways that an R&D organization can use a social enterprise network?


Next episode we will discuss the mindset necessary to minimize the competitiveness between employees while maximizing the competitiveness of the company overall.



Happy New Year! I hope that your 2014 becomes your best year so far!

001 The Science Layer Podcast – Introduction

This is the introductory episode of the science layer podcast.  I am beginning this podcast as a hobby primarily interviewing amazing scientists in industry, academia and the government.


This episode covers why I want to podcast, recent use of science as a political tool for certain people in the news media.  I also cover the scientific method (remember that?) and encourage listeners to get back to good science.


The term “science layer” is in reference to the unique organizational cultural “layer” that develops within organizations when large teams of scientists exist.


I expect this podcast to be 50 – 70% interviews with scientists and technology leaders.


Social enterprise software is making scientific collaboration easier if we are willing to embrace it in our day-to-day work.


Amazing Science Fact of the Week – Hyper Stealth Biotechnologies out of Canada is showing Canadian and US military recently developed Quantum Stealth Invisibility Cloak which bends light around the wearers to give the illusion of invisibility.


Please subscribe and rate this science podcast in iTunes!


Please leave comments below or connect with me at adam@sciencelayer.com or @sciencelayer on Twitter.


If you would like to be interviewed on this podcast please email me at adam@sciencelayer.com.


What science related topic would you like to see covered in future episodes?

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