
Plight of The Christians in Rome

A History of The Christians in Rome

I’ve been studying the history of Rome thanks to the History of Rome podcast. With a keen eye on the Christians in Rome. Many thousands of Christians were murdered for treason in the first, second and third centuries within the Roman empire. Mostly because they would not sacrifice to the Roman gods, often even children suffered and were killed.

Even gentle and well-liked Emperors like Septemius Severus, who ruled from 193 to 211 AD. Were sometimes brutal toward Christians who were considered treasonous. The roman gods like Jupiter were seen as the reason for the past success for the Roman empire. At times leaders would try to revive the faith of the empire by forcing religious sacrifice. For the Romans, religion was first and foremost a social activity that promoted unity and loyalty to the state- a religious attitude the Romans called pietas, or piety.

Promoting loyalty to the state, that is key to understanding most religions of the world.

Principalities And Powers In High Places

The state all over the world even today represents the rulers and powers and principalities in high places otherwise known as the kingdom of Satan. Remember when Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would just bow down and worship him in the dessert?

When Christians in Rome would not sacrifice to Rome’s pantheon of gods this was viewed as an act of treason.

So powerful were many of these Christians in death and suffering that Rome herself eventually left their other gods.

Despite all the killings the Christian numbers grew to the point that Rome decided to make Christianity her religion. They twisted it in many ways and added things Jesus never added but …

The Roman government officially converted and it was (at least partially) not because of their great preaching and offers of heaven. But because of their willingness to suffer in order to gain Christ. Christ was seen as the wonderful center of Christian lives, alive and well and causing love to flourish. To gain him was the extreme and supreme thing in their lives. Death and suffering was the norm for them and was a part of seeking him. It was part of worshipping him and turning their backs on Satan’s world-system.

Even death can’t stop Jesus living in humanity (when he is really there.) the only thing that has ever hindered him is religious tradition. …. But even that will be overturned by Jesus himself.

Another article involving studies in history.


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