
What it Means to Know Jesus Christ

Christianity is not doctrinal or theological intellect, in its purest essence, Christianity is knowledge of a person, the person of Jesus Christ.

One can know him intimately, follow him, please him, surrender to him all the while being intellectually as dumb as bag of nails.

Or one can also be exceedingly brilliant, deeply understanding great doctrinal truths, deeply disciplined and excellent in all manner of religious greatness. Finding great success in life. While understanding every misleading trap and deception of Satan. Yet still not have a clue what Jesus is like or is after. Still not knowing how to please Him, how to hear Him, how to see Him and how to follow Him around.

To know Jesus Christ is itself eternal life.

He is THE exemplary, the quintisential, the foundational human being.

He is the firstborn of all creation. He is the founding member and big brother of the new race of humanity. The humanity that will take our race into the future.

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