Failure To Seek First

The Meaning of Seek First

to seek: VERB (seek meaning)

seeks (third person present) · sought (past tense) · sought (past participle) · seeking (present participle)
  1. attempt to find (something):
    “they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds”
    synonyms: search for · try to find · look for · be on the lookout for · be after · hunt for · be in quest of
    • attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something):
      “her parents had never sought to interfere with her freedom”
      synonyms: try to obtain · work toward · be intent on · aim at/for
    • ask for (something) from someone:
      synonyms: ask for · request · solicit · call for · entreat · beg for · petition for · appeal for · apply for

      (seek someone/something out) search for and find someone or something:

    • archaic go to (a place):
Jesus Christ placed seeking him and his kingdom as top priority. So it follows that failure to seek first Jesus Christ and his kingdom is the root of all Christian struggles.

Now the question becomes what exactly is the meaning of seek first the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Does doing general Christian things qualify as seeking first?

What about attending church meetings and listening to sermons? How about reading the bible? Or what about praying? I think the answer is that they can qualify as seeking his kingdom but they don’t necessarily qualify. We know if we are seeking the kingdom of Jesus, sooner or later it becomes evident to us deep within. Here is a great article about why reading bible and praying is sometimes inadequate.

So if we read this passage in context he was talking about the gentiles who eagerly seek after food and clothing. So he was talking about the principle of provision. Jesus is essentially saying if you will seek the kingdom of God there is all the provision you will ever need. Failure to seek his kingdom should be expected to result in lack of provision.

Satan’s Counterfeit System of Provision

Satan has a counterfeit kingdom which has its own system of provision and seeking. This system is deeply flawed and results in extreme wealth and extreme poverty. Satan’s systems enslave us and require us to constantly and eagerly seek daily provision itself, as Jesus mentioned.

In Satan’s kingdom of provision greed and theft is rewarded. Honesty and generosity are rare and typically have ulterior motives. The love of money rules supreme and the vast majority become poor while the tiny minority become extremely wealthy.

Jesus’s kingdom and system of provision runs counter to Satan’s. Jesus’ kingdom and system of provision is founded on love and has as its source God himself the true source of all things.

The days of Satan’s kingdom and system are numbered, while Jesus and his kingdom are the future of all things.

So don’t worry just seek Jesus himself and his kingdom. If you have question about the meaning of “seek first” Jesus Christ then don’t worry. Just refocus and center your effort on knowing Jesus Christ, pursuing him and making him known. When in doubt refocus on him personally and you cannot go wrong.

for more on this topic try this article (Everyone is Seeking Him)

What is the meaning of seek first to you? please leave a comment.


Nine Paradoxes of The Christian Life

The Kingdom of Christ Began in the Midst Of The Satanic Kingdom

Jesus Christ is himself the kingdom of God, whether he is located in heaven or on earth. He began his kingdom here on earth dwelling in his people by and through his Spirit. He did this within and on an earth which was entirely enslaved by death and Satan. Within and among Satan’s domain and kingdom. This fact causes there to be paradoxes that can be confusing if we do not have understanding. An understanding which only comes with knowing Jesus Christ.

Jesus began his kingdom right in the midst of the old Satanic kingdom already in existence. What a brilliant takeover, now we who have Christ within are to trample Satan underfoot as planned in the beginning. The presence of God within Jesus Christ is the presence of the kingdom of God.

The future of everything and everyone…his future is present in his people from every time and age. We are now living in the age after the kingdom has begun but before Satan’s expulsion and death’s final defeat.

For more on this gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ click here or here:

Taking Over

We are living during the expansion of the kingdom of God on earth. Through the ages of time and expansion of the human race. This expansion is hostile and unwelcome and results in spiritual and sometimes physical violence (Matthew 11:12).

There are at least nine paradoxes of the Christian life. Actually there are probably many more than nine but for the sake of a short post I highlight nine. Living within paradox is confusing and so it helps to have understanding.

paradox – (noun) a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.

Perhaps our confusing existence is one reason Jesus made our top daily priority be ‘seeking the kingdom of God.]

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things will be added to you” – Jesus

Nine paradoxes of the Christian life:

  1. We are to live by the Life of Christ and we are to die to our own lives. For a Christian, death to the self-life yields the life of Christ on the earth.  (1 Corinthians 15:31)
  2. As we are weakened we are made strong in Christ. (1 Cor 1:27, 2 Cor 12:10)
  3. As we are made poor we are enriched, and we enrich many. (2 Cor 6:10)
  4. We are in the world yet, not of the world. (John 17:16)
  5. Some of us suffer and are persecuted yet we are more than conquerors. (Rom 8:18 and Rom 8:37)
  6. All things, even bad things, in our lives work together for the good of those called to God’s purposes. (Rom 8:28)
  7. Defeat, losing and humility lead to our victory and success.
  8. God and Jesus’ greatest moment of defeat and man’s cruelest moment of sin was at the same moment. The well-planned and greatest victory for them both. (Matt 27:46-64)
  9. Self abasement and servanthood brings greatness not promotion and authority we so often pursue. (Matthew 20:25)

Bonus Paradox: ‘God so loved the world’ vs ‘love not the world’, click here for more on this one.

These paradoxes are mind-blowing to me, what a brilliant and amazing takeover of humanity by Jesus Christ. What seemed like the biggest defeat for Jesus, his killing, was the plan all along. It resulted in the greatest defeat of Satan. What a Lord who saves in the midst of so many paradoxes, what a priceless gift we have in Jesus Christ.

Which paradox is the most amazing to you?

What other paradoxes have you found in scripture?

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