How to Judge Any Government

Any government or organization that does not openly and intentionally acknowledge and submit to Jesus Christ will not stand in the long term.

Jesus is the only legitimate measuring standard to judge a government.

Most Christian monarchies (religious kings) of the past may have acknowledged him but they strongly resisted and opposed him in practice and behavior. They violently refused to follow him.

I’m not suggesting a government should make laws requiring Christianity, instead I’m suggesting the way to judge the quality and legitimacy of any government is by loooking at its leaders acknowledging and submitting to him. This is because:

Jesus surrender is the source of all legitimate authority.

This is the problem I have with our government right now. It’s the problem I’ve had with Trumps leadership. I don’t care about general morality laws or being right about types of sins, or even the separation of powers, or the tradition of voting.

As in all things …

Get Jesus right and everything that matters snaps into place.

But get Jesus wrong and Satan has footholds to steal, kill, and destroy. No matter what else we get right.

This is why the issue of abortion is not the most important measure of a government or its leaders, it’s up there but not the highest. It’s a symptom of a much worse Jesus hating cancer.

There are many conservative politicians around the world who would ban abortion while rounding Christians up for murder. Because they’re wrong about Jesus, and Satan has them in his pocket.

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