Jesus Christ – An Acceptable Theory of Everything

God’s Eternal Purpose – Our Theory of Everything

I recently read the book A Brief History of Time by Dr. Stephen Hawking. This book is a good read from a brilliant scientist’s perspective about the origin and fate of the universe. He introduces the concept of a Unified Theory others have since called this the Theory of Everything (TOE).


This book is written from the historical perspective and progress of the institution of science. Hawking laments toward the end of the book that the philosophers have not kept up with the advancements of science. I would suggest that science (especially academia) has not kept up well with scripture and sometimes with reality.

I find this book fascinating, there is much I’d like to highlight and share my thoughts on, far too much for one post.

Brilliant Questions

What I would like to do instead is draw attention to the several questions that Hawking asks in the final chapter.

And suggest answers to these questions which are out there but have been abandoned by the world of academia for reasons I wont comment on. Answers which I think have been deemed unacceptable to the academics of the world. The philosophers not keeping up with knowledge revealed by science does not justify rejection of things revealed by philosophy and religion.

Hawking writes that miracles and science are incompatible and I agree based on the nature of the scientific method. Science is limited in its ability to reveal knowledge to the human senses. But this does not mean that miracles are incompatible with reality.

No reasonable person can conclude that knowledge cannot be revealed to scientists and non-scientists alike. In fact the vast majority of knowledge is revealed from one human to another, not through the scientific method. We reveal knowledge to one another in the vast majority of cases.

Even in science courses the vast majority of information sharing is one teacher revealing. Professors revealing (we blindly trust) what the scientific method has uncovered rarely questioning it or looking for bad assumptions.

What I like about Hawking is that despite claiming to be an atheist he is intellectually honest enough to ask difficult questions.

Brilliant Answers

Six brilliant questions that Hawking asks and I attempt to answer.

  • How much choice did God have in constructing the universe? (Einstein)

“In the beginning God said let there be light”(Gen 1:1), …”then he said let us make man in our image”(Gen ).  The creation of light implies a universe in which light can dwell. This implies there was a counseling together, and a decision was made to create. This decision likely arouse from something which wasn’t revealed until Paul came along and recorded in the book of Ephesians. Discussed in question 3 below. So yes I would conclude that God did have a choice in constructing the universe.

  • What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? (I love this)

Proverbs 8 teaches that wisdom and knowledge created first then used as a tool of the Lord himself to create. He presumably had infinite time to do this act of creating. Proverbs chapter 8 describes Lady Wisdom (aka the laws of the universe) enabling and witnessing this creative act.

  • Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing?

Paul discusses ‘the divine mystery’, the one hidden for ages, from the philosophers and priests of the world. This divine mystery was essentially this exact question, why did God create? What is the point of all this? What is it that God wants out of humanity and creation?

Paul’s answers this and calls it the divine mystery, some have attempted to define this divine mystery. T. Austin Sparks and Watchman Nee cover this wonderfully in many of his teachings available online. Frank Viola covers this as thoroughly as I’ve seen in his great book From Eternity to Here.

  • Is the unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence?

Based on what we learned in answering question 1, I’d say ‘no ‘and that God brought it about for a specific purpose.

  • Or does the unified theory need a creator, and, if so, does He have any effect on the universe other than being responsible for its existence? And who created Him?

Yes the unified theory of the physical universe needs a creator since there is a creation. And he has a tremendous and continuous effect on the universe to the point that the universe is currently held together by him (see Colossians 1). Some would even conclude that the universe can be said to be inside of him.

  • Who created God?

This question I cannot answer but can only respond with other questions, why assume he was created? if he is outside of time does he need to have a creator?

Jesus Himself is the Complete Explanation of Reality

Jesus Christ and the Eternal Purpose mentioned in Ephesians, is the most complete and consistent theory explaining reality.

The trouble with this is Jesus himself has become surrounded and largely hidden by unattractive religious tradition. Tradition which deflected understanding of him and the mystery of the universe (ironic) for centuries.

The exact theory that explains the origin, nature and future of the universe. It is a profound yet simple theory accessible to the brightest and the most simple minded among us.

Scripture itself is still available and it keeps up with scientific knowledge. It is our stubborn traditions (both religious and academic) which refuse to keep up.

“If we do discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few scientists. Then we shall all be able to take part in the discussion of why the universe exists. If we find the answer to that it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason. For then we would know the mind of God.” pp. 166-167

Yes Dr. Hawking we all shall be able to take part in this discussion. Let us all discuss and come to know Jesus Christ. Both the Theory of Everything and the mind of God.

Addendum: The TOE Must Also Explain Suffering

One addition that I will place on the Theory of Everything is that it must explain and predict the reason for and purpose of human suffering. I add this because of the natural question that acceptance of Jesus Christ always drives toward.

Why is there so much human suffering and injustice in the human experience?

Suffering is answered and predicted by the law of travail introduced to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3. It was a response to their casual departure from God. Travail brings about a seriousness in us to value God and to not throw him away.

All of creation is currently experiencing this travail until Christ is reformed on the earth through his people. All suffering is his suffering as he births a new creation out from among the old.

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Jesus Christ the End of The Races

Racial hatred has already been eliminated in Christ Jesus.

If Jesus were known and were Lord the politicians would not be able to exploit race for their advantage.

“remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.”‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:12-16‬ ‭

There is no greater hostility between the races than between Jews and gentile.
The Charlottesville marchers in August 2017 that resulted in a surprising violent clash with Antifa were chanting about the Jews before their opponents came. From hatred for Jews grows all racism.

But in Christ Jesus both Jew and gentile and every distinction within Jew and Gentile (including black & white) is eliminated. Jesus Christ eliminated all racial animosity in that he killed the old humanity in his own body on the cross.

Since his resurrection there is now a new humanity in Christ Jesus, Jesus himself being the firstborn of this new humanity. 

Ending racism is not by us realizing it’s bad and stopping, it’s by dying to our flesh and old humanity and daily allowing Jesus Christ to live through us.

This new humanity is fixated on knowing Jesus Christ, knowing him is their life-source, looking to him in a spiritual way daily is itself eternal life. When we abandon him and look to the flesh all sorts of old worn-out evil fills our lives and sometimes our streets.

Knowing Jesus is the end of racism, sexism, forsaking Jesus becomes holding onto racism and sexism and every other form of divisiveness according to the flesh.

Some of the politicians who want to rule over us seem to need racism I think because it causes people to loose all reasoning faculties and good sense and live by emotion and that’s all they have.

In Your Eyes

There is something supernatural about looking someone in the eye and seeing and hearing what Jesus is doing in them, among their imperfections and inadequacies. 

Not recycled doctrine or parroted talking points, not marketing catch-phrases but fresh life from Jesus Christ from their own spirit, it strengthens and edifies everyone. 

This puts Jesus Christ on display.

The world needs much more of that, not less.

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