Destruction and Overturning

This helped me tremendously.

“Jesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” – John‬ ‭2:19‬ ‭

The people who ‘destroyed’ the body of Jesus turned out to actually be working for the purpose of God through Jesus.

The people who destroyed the temple, Jerusalem and persecuted the Christians in 70AD were working for Jesus. Read more about this here. Driving the Christians out worked to fulfill his command to go into all the world.

“Jesus came out from the temple and was going away when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him. And He said to them, ‘Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.’” – Matthew‬ ‭24:1-2‬ ‭NASB‬‬

There are many other examples in scripture of God using destruction and devastation through people.

Often the destructive people and things in our lives are likely working for Jesus (whether they know it or not), their motives may be other, as we keep him central and supreme he can use destruction to build new and better in us. Yes, he destroys but he is also building something far better.

Looking For Conspiracies

I believe that very many conspiracy theories are true, especially those involving govt or govt agencies. Especially if they involve stealing and killing.
But as sick and maddening and high up as conspiracies go, Christians are not to focus on them. We expose them when possible and we pray for truth to prevail but exposure of conspiracy is not a ministry from the Lord. It is a horrible and traumatizing thing to focus on the evil plans in place against us, it makes us live in fear and dread and isolation.

“Stealing, killing, destroying” is a summary statement from Jesus about  the general conspiracy set against us …always has been, that’s all we need to know.

The better focus for a Christian is what is Jesus doing today? 

I don’t care much what Satan is doing today,  I choose not to care. Compared to Jesus Christ he is like a mosquito trying to bite me as I go outside to garden. He is trying to suck life from me and inject disease, but I don’t focus on him, I swat him when I can but I fix my focus on my garden work.

We live within and around a humanity that God considers dead and going extinct.

But there is also a new humanity emerging in Jesus Christ, that we can be a part of. So now only He is to be our constant focus, aim and centrality, we get to make him Lord here and now by free-will surrender.

So relax, yes those evil plans are probably mostly true but Jesus is so much greater, so much more active and has so much better plans for us we can rest easy and be at peace just looking toward him.

The Nation of Jesus Christ

To know the love of Jesus Christ goes beyond knowledge, and lectures and memorizing. it takes a nation of people laying down their lives so they can pursue him and share him with one another perpetually.

This nation of people is called the ecclesia and is not composed of audiences with professional religious gurus like all the other world religions.

It’s a Jesus-family, a face to face, masks off, sharing him one by one, meeting one another’s needs Jesus-family.

This is what Jesus Christ, the master builder, is building in the earth today, so that we might make Jesus known to all of creation.

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